TEXAS...The Friendship State!!!

Known through out the Land....
aww heck...why not....
...Through out the Whole Wide World as the
Friendliest State in the USA.
In fact it's a part of the Texas State Statuets...Govt. Code, Chapter 3101, Section 3101..004....
The State Motto of Texas
Does Your State have a Motto?
I bet it does and you can find out
Texas is also known as the Lone Star State in reference to the Texas State
Flag. The flag displays a single, five-point white star on a field of blue with an upper white horizontal stripe and a lower red horizontal stripe.
As seen in this quilt block, the Texas Lone Star is the Symbol found on everything from Lone Star Beer to....well, my 'Work In
Forever Progress' Texas My Texas Quilt!
The Texas Ranger Star is a 'Pieced Block' that represents the Texas Rangers Badge. For those of you who are not qulters...pieced means each piece is sewn together with inset seaming...this one done on the machine...yikes...no wonder it's still a WIP.
The row of
Four Stars across the top are Pieced
Friendship Star Blocks to represent Texas as the
Friendship State. Ya know...there's more
F words in Texas than I realized.
Now, I'm going to show Ya'll one more Block of my WIP Texas Quilt, and then I'm going to save the rest for the Letter Q....maybe I'll have it put together by then...or Not! Anyway, about this block. First of all it represents the
Texas State Bird...The Mockingbird.. and it is Appliqued. Which means that the pieces are cutout, layered on top of a background and stitched down. The row under the Mockingbirds represent the Mountains of Texas and are pieced. Yep, we do have Mountains in Texas...some here in West Texas called the Davis Mountains around
Fort Davis...there ya go another Letter F in Texas.

As some of you already know, I'm a Girl Raised In Texas...GRIT!
I was born in Iowa....that's it...born there!
My Mama was an Iowa Farm Gal and my Daddy a...
Fourth Generation Texan.
That makes me a
Fifth Generation GRIT
G.R.I.T = Girls Raised In Texas
Know Bad Manners when they see them...
~Drinking straight outta the can.
~Not sending ThankYou Notes
~ Wearing Velvet after February
~White Shoes before Memorial Day or after Labor Day.
~Texas Girls always say "Yes, Maam and Yes, Sir"
~Know when to ShutUp!
~Texas Girls have a distinct way with
Fond Expressions...
Ya'll Come Back! Well, Bless yer Hearrrt! Drop by when YaCan! How's yer Mama? Luv yer haairr!
~Texas Girls know everybody's first name
Hunny, Darlin and Shugar.
So that Ya'll know I'm truly a GRIT with a
Friendly Smile and Good Texas Gal Manners....'Know when to ShutUp'...I'm going to turn this
Letter F Thingie over to Jenny Shugar and the
Friendliest Bunch of Bloggers in Blogland.
More of The Letter F
Thanks Ya'll for Your Friendship!

PS...About this GRIT in the picture above...
3rd Grade Sherman, Texas...Mama gave me a TIGHT perm so my Haairr would look purty for school pictures...cried all the way to school, but managed a smile for the camera.
My Mama said, "Luv yer haairrr, Hunny."
My Daddy said, "Darlin, Yore mighty Purty in that Red Bandana and Cowgirl Shirt."
I said, "Whaaaaaaa!!!"