Before I get into 'Growing Violets in Cactus Country', let me tell you about Ruth Beatrice. She was my Daddy's second sister, and the aunt I knew best. Daddy called her Bea, so we all did, too. The only person I ever heard call her Beatrice was her husband, Red.
Yep, Red and Bea were quite a couple, and visiting them was like a trip to 'Keepers Paradise'. Like her sister, my Aunt Irene who you met in the previous post, Bea kept EVERYTHING.
She even offered to keep forever my Second Sibling Sister. You see Bea and Red were childless and so wanted a child...obviously any kid would do...even one as mouthy as my Second SibSister.
I voted Yay...Mom and Dad said Nay, but let her stay a couple of weeks with them that summer. Best I remember, Aunt Bea was mighty glad for her to remain my SecSibSister ....instead becoming my SibSisCousin.
Something about...with the 'mouthpiece' around there wasn't any need to turn on the radio, and getting a word in edgewise was like having a conversation with the six o'clock news caster.
Second SibSister retired a fews years ago from a national network news station to become an auctioneer. Just kidding, ya'll. She really did get a degree in Speech Commmunication, though!!!
Now about Violets.
Aunt Bea selected a nice group of violets for me and, I carefully dragged the
Violet Starter Stash from Violet Country East Texas back to Cactus Country West Texas.
I soon had Violets in every appropriate light spot; read every 'How To Grow Violets' book;
bought Violet Pots, Violet Potting Soil, Violet Food, and More Violets!
Who knew one could grow Violets in Cactus Country!
However, my Violets did Shrink over time and after a couple of moves
I became a
Shrinking Violet Shirker
and gave up on my dream of having a
Vast Violet Veranda.