Christmas Quilt Collection...Quilt Number One
1998 Christmas Block Swap Quilt
Quilting on the InterNet is a 'Realllllly BIG Thing', and back in 1998 when I was a Newbie on the WWW, I joined 'Quilt Talk', an InterNet Quilt Guild. It was there, I participated in my first Christmas Block Swap.
I made Twenty-four Ohio Star Blocks with the FussyCut Santa in the center....first block in the Strip. I received Twenty-four blocks from ladies from around the Whole Wide World. In the center block the BowTie Block from Ireland, the Wreath from Indiana, USA, the Ohio Star from Australia and the last block from Alaska....and the rest shown in the quilt.
The Christmas Swap Quilt has been displayed at Christmas Time in Our Home every year since 1998 and inspired a Collection of Quilt Ornaments and Quilt Motif Santas. All special gifts from Family and Friends.
The Quilt Collection is combined with my Fiesta Dinnerware by Homer Laughlin and Merry Christmas Glassware by Houze Glass Company for a Festive Christmas Table Setting.
I'm Linking To
When Will Pink Saturday Go PinkyLinky???
When PinkPigs Fly!!!

Ya'll know how we are always saying " Yeah, that'll happen when Pigs Fly?"
Aren't Ya'll glad to know that PinkPigs really do FLY! Whew!!!
After seeing this Flying PinkPig, nothin' much shocks this Girl Raised In Texas.
However, I was kinda surprised, and got to thinking about how I'll miss checking my email on Tuesdays for Beverly's Pink Saturday Reminder.
Do you remember when and how you got started with Beverly and Pink Saturday?
Hi Beverly,
I'm a new follower and would like to be on the next Pink Saturday. Such a fun idea and wonderful way to meet and greet others. I just started CollectInTexas Gal last month, so am finding and learning lots in the Vintage Blog World. Please add CollectInTexas Gal to your list as a PinkSaturday Newbie.
How nice that you are interested in Pink Saturday. Pink Saturday is a wonderful way to meet other bloggers with a wide range of interests and talents. Please feel free to add the Pink Saturday button to your blog. It is located at the top of the right sidebar on my blog.
Each Tuesday evening I send a reminder e-mail to which you need to reply with your plan for participation that Saturday. The reply deadline is 8 a.m. EST Friday. This has proven to work the best due to the large number of Pink Saturday participants. All you will need to do is reply to my e-mail, and have your post on your blog if you are participating that week. Beverly
Beverly...I see you already have me on the Participating List, but I'm replying just to be sure and because the email said to. (Such aNewbie...Doofus)
Thanks so much...I'm looking forward to Pink Saturday...just can't decide which Pinks to do First.
Four Generations of Sewing...Pink Saturday #1
Hi Beverly...Just a quick note to Thank-You for the most Amazing Pink Experience. I had 53 Pinkie Comments and Visits to CollectInTexas Gal. I've responded to All of Them...I hope...and visited as many others as one could in one day and still going, going and going...Pink Bunny Thingy..lol! What a Wonderful~Fantastic~Amazing~Talented~Creative Group. I'm so happy to become a member of Pink Saturday. Thank-you for the time, effort and creative genius it takes to put on this event.
Sue~CollectInTexas Gal.

Ya'll know how we are always saying " Yeah, that'll happen when Pigs Fly?"
Aren't Ya'll glad to know that PinkPigs really do FLY! Whew!!!
I know Beverly is! I'm pretty sure she decided to go PinkyLinky only after learning about this Texas PinkFlyer.
Yep, this Pink Saturday is a PinkyLinky Go now that we know PinkPigs Fly!
Yep, this Pink Saturday is a PinkyLinky Go now that we know PinkPigs Fly!
Even so, were Ya'll 'Shocked Pink' when you received this weeks Last Pink Saturday Email?
After seeing this Flying PinkPig, nothin' much shocks this Girl Raised In Texas.
However, I was kinda surprised, and got to thinking about how I'll miss checking my email on Tuesdays for Beverly's Pink Saturday Reminder.
Do you remember when and how you got started with Beverly and Pink Saturday?
I do, and I have The First Emails to prove it.
Hi Beverly,
I'm a new follower and would like to be on the next Pink Saturday. Such a fun idea and wonderful way to meet and greet others. I just started CollectInTexas Gal last month, so am finding and learning lots in the Vintage Blog World. Please add CollectInTexas Gal to your list as a PinkSaturday Newbie.
How nice that you are interested in Pink Saturday. Pink Saturday is a wonderful way to meet other bloggers with a wide range of interests and talents. Please feel free to add the Pink Saturday button to your blog. It is located at the top of the right sidebar on my blog.
Each Tuesday evening I send a reminder e-mail to which you need to reply with your plan for participation that Saturday. The reply deadline is 8 a.m. EST Friday. This has proven to work the best due to the large number of Pink Saturday participants. All you will need to do is reply to my e-mail, and have your post on your blog if you are participating that week. Beverly
Beverly...I see you already have me on the Participating List, but I'm replying just to be sure and because the email said to. (Such a
Thanks so much...I'm looking forward to Pink Saturday...just can't decide which Pinks to do First.
Four Generations of Sewing...Pink Saturday #1
Hi Beverly...Just a quick note to Thank-You for the most Amazing Pink Experience. I had 53 Pinkie Comments and Visits to CollectInTexas Gal. I've responded to All of Them...I hope...and visited as many others as one could in one day and still going, going and going...Pink Bunny Thingy..lol! What a Wonderful~Fantastic~Amazing~Talented~Creative Group. I'm so happy to become a member of Pink Saturday. Thank-you for the time, effort and creative genius it takes to put on this event.
Sue~CollectInTexas Gal.
Dear Beverly...As Always...Thanks for Making Saturdays Pink!!
What I said in the email above bears bares needs repeating....
What a Wonderful~Fantastic~Amazing~Talented~Creative Group. I'm so happy to become a member of Pink Saturday. Thank-you for the time, effort and creative genius it takes to put on this event.
PS...My ShoutOut this Pink Saturday goes to.....DrumRoll and CymbalCrash...What a Beautiful Blog....Ya'll will Flip over her Fantastic Fotos!
A Thankful...Thoughtful...Thinkin' Thanksgiving Day
Tis The Time for All Good TexasGals....
That's what I did today...THOUGHT about IT!
HiHoney, bless his heart, did build a nice Fire while we watched the Dallas Cowboys play their Traditional Thanksgiving Day Football Game.
It was a Thoughtful Game...First half, I Thought they were out of it. Second half, They Thought they had it WON until...
...Cowboys fumbled at the end of a 47-yard reception, giving the Saints the ball at their own 11-yard line.
Saints took only 68 seconds to drive 89 yards on five plays for a 12-yard TD pass. The Cowboys couldn't convert their final possession, which ended with a missed a 59-yard field-goal attempt. Final score....Cowboys 27...Saints 30.
I don't know what to THINK about the Cowboys this year. So I'll THINK about what's next on my Christmas ToDo List. How about Christmas Cards, Sue. You could get started on those!
...to build a Fire and THINK about getting out the Tree, the Lights, the Santa Collection, the Ornaments, the Christmas Quilts, and all the rest of the Christmas Stuff!
HiHoney, bless his heart, did build a nice Fire while we watched the Dallas Cowboys play their Traditional Thanksgiving Day Football Game.
It was a Thoughtful Game...First half, I Thought they were out of it. Second half, They Thought they had it WON until...
...Cowboys fumbled at the end of a 47-yard reception, giving the Saints the ball at their own 11-yard line.
Saints took only 68 seconds to drive 89 yards on five plays for a 12-yard TD pass. The Cowboys couldn't convert their final possession, which ended with a missed a 59-yard field-goal attempt. Final score....Cowboys 27...Saints 30.
I don't know what to THINK about the Cowboys this year. So I'll THINK about what's next on my Christmas ToDo List. How about Christmas Cards, Sue. You could get started on those!
Nope, I THINK I'll go Decorate CollectInTexas Gal.
So, THAT IS What I Did!
This is CollectInTexas Gals Second Christmas in BlogLand, and I haven't decided what my Christmas Blog Theme will be yet.
Thankgoodness for Christmas 2009 Photo Archives....I THOUGHT they worked out just fine for starting Christmas 2010!
Texas Turkey Shoot
My Best Shot...
OooooooEeeeee!!!! Bagged That Bird!!! What a DriveBy Shot!
The Turkeys Speak Gobble...We have never understood why Ya'll roast the TURKEY
and shuck the corn and crisp the croutons and shell the peas and candy the sweets
and compote the cranberries and bake the pies and clear the table
and wash the dishes and fall into bed when...
Ya'll could sit back and enjoy a HAMBURGER!
HiHoney and I wish Ya'll a
Happy Thanksgiving!
PS...I bagged my Thanksgiving Turkey at HEB.
Remembering Englands Rose On Pink Saturday
This weeks Royal Wedding Announcement brought back memories of Princess Di.
I happened upon this lovely Commerative photo while browsing a favorite Antique Shop.
It just so happened that the Pink Glasses and Pink Powder Box were displayed with the framed photo.

As Always.....Thank-you Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for making Saturdays Pink!
I know you will enjoy your visits with the Featured Pinkies and All the Listed Pinkies!
My ShoutOut this week is....LV at Thoughts from Meme's Corner! Ya'll will absolutely LOVE LV and her Sweet Texas Blog! Yep, another Texas Gal!
A Gratitude Party ~ I'm So Thankful and So Blessed
We Give Thanks
For each New Morning with it's light
For Rest and Shelter of the night
For Health and Food
For Family and Friends
For Everything Thy Goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks to Lynn at The Vintage Nest for Hosting
The Gratitude Party
I began my Give Thanks Posts on November 1st with
My Acorn China Cabinet Collections.
The Ten Posts follow this Final Acorn China Cabinet Post.
(I hope you will have time to Scroll Down and View the Photos of My Collections)
Family Thanksgiving Tablesetting Tradition
I Present My
Mikasa China...Pattern Named
Many Blessings to You and Your Families for Thanksgiving!
Thanks Ya'll for visiting CollectInTexas Gal!
For each New Morning with it's light
For Rest and Shelter of the night
For Health and Food
For Family and Friends
For Everything Thy Goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks to Lynn at The Vintage Nest for Hosting
The Gratitude Party
I began my Give Thanks Posts on November 1st with
My Acorn China Cabinet Collections.
The Ten Posts follow this Final Acorn China Cabinet Post.
(I hope you will have time to Scroll Down and View the Photos of My Collections)
Family Thanksgiving Tablesetting Tradition
I Present My
Mikasa China...Pattern Named
Many Blessings to You and Your Families for Thanksgiving!
Thanks Ya'll for visiting CollectInTexas Gal!
I is for Ivory and Insect...The I's of Texas
Here's the thing...there have been NinePosts about the Acorn China Cabinet and it's Treasures for the month of November. I'm not finished, and I didn't want to break the China Cabinet Chain.
So, I've had to dig deep inside the bottom shelves and to the back of the drawers to come up with an Acorn China Cabinet Letter I.
Eureeka!!! The Ivory Lace Placemats and Napkins and Candles!!!
I call these Vintage Placemats 'The Monarch Mats' as the lace pattern is so much like the Monarch Butterfly Wings. Notice the exact repititon of symetrical designs in both.
That takes care of Ivory!
And now in keeping with my Texas Alphabe~Thursday Letter I Lesson!
I is for Insect....The State Insect of Texas...The Monarch Butterfly!!!
Yep it's true!
The Monarch Butterfly became the Texas state insect by a 1995 resolution of the state legislature.
The Monarch is unique among butterflies in that it is the only species of butterfly that does not hibernate, but migrates in changing seasons. It undergoes four changes in form (metamorphoses) during its lifetime:
- It begins as a tiny egg.
- In the second stage it becomes a black, yellow and white striped caterpillar (larva). During this stage, the caterpillar sheds its skin (molts) up to four times as it grows to its full length of about two inches.
- In its third stage, the monarch forms a protective covering called a chrysalis, or pupa. This pupa is shiny and green with gold speckles.
- In its final stage, the monarch emerges from the pupa as a beautiful black and orange butterfly.
Texas is in the Monarchs Migration Path on their way to Mexico. This much anticipated event has Entomologyist...like me...planting butterfly gardens from the Panhandle to the Rio Grande.
I posted about the Monarch Migration HERE.
I took this Photo of the Monarchs in early October as they swarmed into a Mulberry Tree. So much for my Butterfly Garden flowers. I was lucky to get this shot, and disappointed that I couldn't get up in the tree....HiHoney put his foot down about the tree climbing!
The Acorn China Cabinet will have run it's course, and it's last post this Friday for
Lynn's Give Thanks Blog Hop.
I hope you will come back to see why my White Mikasa China is so special for Thanksgiving.
Now it's time to Trot over to Jenny's Alphabe~Thursday
For More Of
The Letter I
EAPC Oil Lamp...Reaches the Age of Antiquity!
Early American Prescut Glassware by Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation has reached the Age of Antiquity!
The 700 Line Star Pattern, aka 'Star of David', began production in 1960 and in 2010 has officially reached the 50 Year Old Antique status.
What does that mean for this EAPC Collector? Owner of the Second Rarest EAPC Piece...The Oil Lamp!
It means...good thing I found and purchased the Oil Lamp when it was just a Hard to Find Old Oil Lamp ten years ago when it was valued at $295.
With it's newly acquired Antique Status I wonder...
Has the demand for EAPC Glassware gone through the Antique Barn Roof?
Could I get Book Value or more for the second, third and even fourth duplicates of the NotSoRare pieces?
Probably not...yet! Someone will have to point out the EAPC Antique Status and it will have to make Brad and Anjelina's must have's.
I doubt I could get book value for even the Rare Pieces I'd be willing to sell.
The cost of selling....well, ya'll know about that!
Nope, I think I'll just keep what I've got.
Gift what I don't want.
Photograph and Blog alot!
Will I continue to Thrift Shop EAPC?
Of course! I might come across another Lazy Susan Rack for a dollar. I need one to put together another Lazy Susan Set!
Oh! And I'm still lookin' for the Number ONE Rarest Piece....A 5 inch Footed Bud Vase. I kid you not! I've never even seen a picture of one and apparently neither has anyone else. It is LISTED in the 2004 Edition of Collectible Glassware from 40's, 50's, 60's at....are Ya'll ready...$595.00....and yes, I do have my decimal in the right place.
The EAPC Lazy Susan Rack....Thanks Linda @ AlaCarte for suggesting a picture!
On the SideBar is a Photo Strip of all the
Pieces it takes to put together a Lazy Susan!
Happy Lazy Susan Pieces Hunting!
EAPC Vases for Pink Roses on Pink Saturday
I'm using them to show off the last roses from my Rose Bushes. I've said that several times since the last ones were suppose to be done back in September.
Well, here it is November and those Pink Roses are still blooming like it's May! Mother Nature has sure had her Pink Panties in a Wad this year! I've given up on trying to predict Texas weather.
I've also brought out the Month of November Birthday Angel from that collection to help celebrate the November Rose Parade and Pink Saturday.
A little information on the EAPC Vases. They were made by Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation from 1960 to 1999 and come in the two sizes I used for the Pink Roses.
These two sizes are fairly easy to find in Thrift and Antique Shops and are among the least expensive pieces in the 700 Line of Star EAPC pieces. The 10 inch vase is listed at $12 and the 81/2 inch one for $7. The smaller one is the only piece that is still being made today by Anchor Hocking for the Floral Industry.
I guess you have figured out by now that this post is REALLLLY All about the PINK ROSES!
Please stop by How Sweet The Sound and see what Pinkness Beverly has for this November Pink Saturday.
You know that's where the LIST of PINKIE Participants can be found as well. So be sure and check out the Newbies, the Featured Pinkies and all the Pinkies on the List!
Last week I visited a Featured Blog Mille Fiori Favoriti. Listen Ya'll, I've never been to New York City and if I ever get to go, I'm callin' Pat to see if she'll be my Guide. Her beautiful Blog is all about New York City and chocked full of fabulous Photographs by Pat. Go There...It's a Trip...I've been to New York City everday this past week....via Mille Fiori Favoriti...I can't pronounce that with my Texas accent....good thing I can type in Italian!
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