ABCedarium....Yes...It's a real word...I did not make it up! I do make up words occassionally, and many of you have questioned my TexaSutionary skills, and have commented that you have not been able to find definitions or pronunciations. That's because Wikipedia has not updated their TexaSutionary. I submitted it ages ago! I suspect they have just not gotten to the Letter 'T' in their vast data base of New Reference Online Materials. Hopefully, I'll hear from them before the end of this 2012 Mayan Calendar Year.
I'd hate to think that sometime in the FarFarAway Future that the New World would not have The TexaSutionary. Yikes...I'd be responsible for FFA Future Knitters thinking the Alphabet is 'B-Z', and that CVKG is the correct letter order, and LogIn means it's OK to light the fireplace, and Ravelry is just misspelled, and the author 'SuKnitWitty' has two extra letters...ty!

OMG! I don't have time for this FFA Future worry right now. It's the last day of February and I'm rushing to meet a SID (self imposed deadline). I promised several of Ya'll Knitters I'd have this 'ABCedarium Post and Pattern' for you this month. So, here YaGo!
Abecedarium (or abecedary) is an inscription consisting of the letters of an alphabet, almost always listed in order...oops. Typically, abecedaries are practice exercises...whew!
Some abecedaria include obsolete letters which are not otherwise attested in inscriptions...Yay for TexaSutionary!
Some abecedaria found in the Athenian Agora appear to be deliberately incomplete, consisting of only the first three to six letters of the Greek alphabet, and these may have had a magical or ritual significance....YEEESSS...SuKnitWitty The Knit-Purl Wizzard!!!!
There's more, but I'm going to get right to the Knitty Gritty of Knitting the Letter 'E' in Two Colors....