
K is for Knitting WannaBe

Yes, I KNIT, too!  Well, sorta!  I'm a WannaBeKnitter! 
I have ALL the STUFF to be a Real Knitter!

I have the Knowledge Books!  I've even Collected the Collectibles of the Knitting Worlds Most Read and Admired!

OMKnit!!! I have the String Yarn STASH!

I have the Knitting Room Studio!!!

I have Actually FINISHED Lots Three Baby Sweaters to Match Baby Quilts!

I have a Few LOTS of UFO's and WIP's

I have Sixteen Fifteen Days to FINISH Knitting this Red Triangle Shawl....HoHoHo!!!

For More Knitting Letter K

Click HERE
for the List of Participants!
Thanks Jenny!

PS...Just in case you are wondering about how I'm getting in the Texas Connection with Knitting...

....Here's the Texas Longhorn Burnt Orange Stocking Hats I made last year for all the UT Fans in my Family!  Notice I said LAST year....when Texas was #1.

This year...UT and Burnt Orange Yarn has not been at the TOP of my Count Down to Christmas Knitting List.  In fact, that's about all Burnt Orange and UT has been doing ....Counting DOWN in the Ratings.  Oh Well, there's always the next yarn year!


  1. Love this post! You have made me smile! Good luck with that shawl!

  2. thanks goodness for hobbies ... i am a wannabe everything ... my friend is trying to sway me back to knitting ... i think i am almost ready to be swung!

  3. You can TOTALLY knit. Me, the only knitting I do is being a knit wit. I would love to learn someday. I bet it is really relaxing.

  4. oh what fun. I love your room. I love the Texas Longhorns because I've seen them in the Rose Bowl Parade. I have a cup with USC and TEXAS on it. I love to craft. I start one thing and I'm off to another. Your post is great. I so enjoyed reading the captions.

  5. Anonymous12/09/2010

    The sweaters you made are so sweet. You have a gift of selecting colors that go well together.

  6. I'm totally convinced that you know how to do everything - and you do it all beautifully.♥

  7. A Knitting Studio! What a gorgeous stash of yarn~ those baby sweaters are adorable, I'd say you're more than a wannabe :-)

  8. Looking at all your yarn was just like snooping into your closet. What beautiful yarn and what fun!! I love all of your Christmas quilts, too!!!

  9. Can you knit me a pair of slippers? I love knitted slippers , they are so cozy . blue or red would be nice thanks lol

  10. Thanks for commenting on my blog today. I'm going to have to send my mom over here to see your wonderful quilts. She's a scrap queen, just like yourself.
    And knitting, too? Busy gal!

  11. Love your letter "K" post!! You are a talented knitter! You've just put your projects in timeout while you show off your quilts, lol.

  12. Oh no, you are definitely a knitter, lovely things you've made! I'm a wanna be knitter ... with only dish cloths and a half-finished scarf to show for the years of knitting attempts ;).


    Catherine :)

  13. That's how I am with crocheting. For some reason all I'm able to get done are dishcloths...lol..But that's also the same about my quilting, scrap booking and crafting too.

  14. What a fun post. I'm a beginning knitter but I have a room full of other unfinished projects. Good luck on finishing your shawl.

  15. I so enjoyed your post. I'm a wanna be everything
    since I retired. I will make up my mind when I grow up.
    Beautiful baby sweaters.

  16. Don't knock yourself. You are most definitely a knitter. A good one at that!

  17. Yes you nearly have everything but I miss KNITTING needles, lol !

  18. I love looking at your studio! I remember last year's projects. Go, Sue, go!

  19. That is a lot of yarn! I'm amazed at how wonderful your baby sweaters are. Great K post!

  20. Mulligan got into my basket of yarn and dragged it all over the house! It took me days to wind it all up!!

  21. Your "K" post made me smile! I took up crocheting 2 years ago and haven't finished a darn thing.... but I do have 3 large bins full of yarn for when I do decide to actually do anything! Thanks for stopping by yesterday at My Whimsical Way... and you are right about Texans being friendly! I was in Dallas earlier this week and everyone was super!

  22. You sure knit up a storm! I love those baby items. They are perfectly sweet! Blessings Anne

  23. You are soooo not a wannabe. You are the real deal. All that beautiful handwork proves it.

    What a sweet stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "K"!

    I am soooo willing to stay in your studio when you have an opening!

    Thank you for linking.


  24. OH my gosh, your knitting is amazing!!! Love those tiny baby sweaters!!

  25. Oh my! You have made some lovely things! You are much more of a knitter than me. I can knit it if it's say, a scarf. That's about it! Your collection of supplies looks luscious.


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