
The Letter 'S' is for Signs..Shades..SteeringShots and Sue!

SUE...That's My Name and Collectin' is My Game!

Do ya ever draw a blank on how to start a Post? 

Guess that's a loaded question, and you can probably tell this 'Big S Post' is going to be a bunch of BS from the get go!

What I had in mind was to Share my 'February Road Trip' with ya'll, and since I've always been a Game Player, I thought we'd play A Road Trip Game.

 You see, it's Three Texas Hours to my Mom's, and HiHoney couldn't chauffer me this time.
When HiHoney drives, I entertain myself with NeatONikon's Shooting through the Windshield Mode!
So I Challenged myself to a Shoot From the Steering Wheel Game!

Rule #1...Keep your Eyes on the Road..not on the camera.
Rule #2...You may rotate the camera to the left or right... but Keep Your Eyes On The Road!
Rule #3...You may slow down or stop...but stay in the car!

Okay, are Ya'll Red Ready?  
Since it's February and I'm still in the Red Mode, all the Steering Wheel Shots will have Red and The Letter'S' Somewhere.
Your part in this Game is to See the Red and Find the S's! 
 Every picture worth points....1 point for every Red and 2 points for every 'S'.  

Almost half way there!  Sure glad I got GAS in San Angelo for $2.95.
What's Your SCORE?
The next one is a TrickShot!

No 'S' Point for the next one....just wanted to show you what the Middle of NoWhere in Texas looks like!

Thirty-three Miles ToGo!  With a couple of 'Quick-SlowDown Shots' in Grandfalls!

Grandfalls is the Home of My Texas Ancestors! 
We will have to come back here someday soon...today I have to Stick with Rule #3.
Here's another TrickShot for ya!  Yes there is One 'S'!

Only 8 Miles ToGo!  You'll get the RED here, but unless you are from West Texas you might not get the 'S'!
So, I'll Give Ya'll this One....West Texas SkyScraper!

Well, Ya'll we made it, and I didn't break a single Rule of the 'Shoot From The Steering Wheel Game'. 
Well, okay, just one!  I got out of the Car in Grandfalls and did an OnTheSide Shoot!
I'll Share that Shoot later....maybe for the Letter T for Tricked Ya!
Yep, I Tricked Ya into keeping Score....just so you'd make it to 
The End!

Linking To.....Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday for The Letter 'S'

PS....Shoot From The Steering Wheel Game Tip....Set your Camera to Auto Focus and Keep Your Eyes On The Road!  You'll be surprised and amazed at the Shots You Shoot!  Like  this one....


  1. Great game! Glad you Kept Your Eyes on the Road!!! You got some great shots. I did have trouble with the s word in the rest stop picture (oh, was it rest stop?) lol. And I think I've been to the middle of nowhere.

  2. You crack me up! Sorry I did not get a Valentine's message to you before the big day...I have been traveling A LOT with work. Work gets in the way of fun sometimes. I hope you have a great trip and KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!

  3. that was fun...I love driving through Texas..so much to see...it's better being the passenger...

  4. I`d love to do that, but it would get me arrested up here - since last year it`s illegal to use and handheld device while driving - and I got some of my best shots from the driver`s seat!

  5. Never would dare do that. My camera is a huge Nikon. No way, no how.

    I started keeping score but wondered if you actually meant 1 point for each red image & 2 points for every S in a every photo. That got way too hard to keep track of.

  6. You can play that game better on the roads there than you could here in Florida. You did a great job though.

  7. It's been years since I've been in middle of the road Texas.. It has a nostalgic beauty all of its own!

  8. haha! I've been on long road trips...cross-country...many, many times...growing up and throughout married life...and we have played just about every road game imaginable...but apparently not EVERY game! That was fun... Hm...glad that you stuck to Rule #1!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  9. Anonymous2/16/2011

    This was really fun! I love the shots you took.

  10. I think I'd kill myself trying that game. You certainly got some great shots!

  11. Hahaha! What fun trip through Texas!!

  12. What a fun post! You had me searching the entire time and it felt like I was going on this roadtrip with you :) Glad you managed to stick to the rules and take such great shots!

  13. You make traveling the roads of Texas fun! I was smiling all the way through this one. Great shots! ~ Sarah

  14. I scored 100 percent. Of course. Ummm.... you mean you want me to actually show my answers? I ... ummm.... can't because then others could cheat off of my perfect score and ummm...

    yeah. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Oh, BTW, I did catch the South bound pick up truck in several images.

    Love this super little roadtrip as part of my Alphabe-Thursday's journey through S.

    Thank you for linking.


  15. This was fun! I felt like I was driving alongside of you! :) I loved the roadrunner photo and all the wide open spaces you have as we don't see that here. The lowest gas we can findgas in NYC is $3.39!!

  16. You sure have a steady hand girl! You are so funny and sweet and always make me smile! Anne

  17. Sue, it's pretty easy to "point and shoot" on those straaaaaight West Texas roads, isn't it? :-) Renaissance Man would've enjoyed the pics even more than me since he grew up in Pecos, but I still enjoyed seeing a bit of the home state! Fun post!


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