BlogginBirthday Finale ... Pink Saturday 1~23~2010

Dearest Sue,
It's not so much the world outside
That makes us sigh or smile...
It's more the feeling in our hearts
That makes life seem worthwhile!
And as you read this Birthday card,
I wonder if you guess the countless times
The thought of you
Has brought me happiness?
Connie Marie
Thank-you SweetSister of Mine
For yet another Special Birthday Wish!
I've saved every card for many years,
And I have read them all countless times.
Everyone is a Special Treasure,
And brings me such pleasure!
Thank-you My Special Bloggin Friends
For All the Birthday Wishes.
And as you read this message,
I hope you know how happy you have made
This Girl Raised in Texas.

Now Let The Party Favors Begin!
Thirty-seven Bloggers SignedUp for the Pink Plate GiveAway ~ I will Announce the Winner in just a Texas Minute!
First, Let's draw for the Crocheted Pink Hat Pin Cushion...And the Winner Is.....
Beansieleigh TINA at BeansieBabblesShe's so much fun to visit and always has something really pretty to share. I 'm pretty sure she's into needlework and will love this vintage pin cushion.

Isn't this the sweetest Angel? She's been in my Crocheted Angel Collection for quite some time, and now it's time for her to Bless One of You!
And the Winner is....PomPom at PomPom's Ponderings!
Have you met PomPom? She's a New Pinkie and the Sweetest Angel in BlogLand!
She's My ShoutOut for this Pink Saturday. Stop in and see what she's Pondering this Pink Saturday and tell her Sue sent ya!

...And 'B' is for BEVERLY,not only the One and Only 'B' on the List, but the One with 'The Pink List'!
Thank-you Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for hosting Pink Saturday each week. Please stop by and give her your Pink Regards and see all the Pinkies on her Pink List!

We have amongst us a GypsyNurse Angel. You may remember, she was my 'ShoutOut' last Pink Saturday and her ETSY Shop Fund Raiser for Haiti.
And the Lucky Winner is....Sissie at Sissies Shabby Cottage. Her cottage is so beautiful and she's a very creative gal.

Time for The Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake made by Girl Raised in Texas and January Birthday Girl Sarah at Hyacinths For The Soul. Sarah is a Texas Gal with Culinary Style. She created this amazing confection for a Holiday Party and was kind enought to share it for this BlogginBirthday Party. You must visit Sarah HERE for a Holiday Review and the Recipe for Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake! Thanks Sarah!

...And 'J' is for Jeanne from BackYard Neighbor and the Only 'J' Gal on the List!
Jeanne has been a 'Pinkie' from the very beginning of Pink Saturday.
She's working on a Fabulous Quilt Project and has the most wonderful Collections.
Well, Ya'll, has it been a Texas Minute? Just one more of those and then I'll Announce the Plate Winner.
I just wanted to say a 'Big Texas Thanks' for making this the BestBirthday 'Bloggin or Otherwise'! If you missed any of the WeekLong Party and would like to catch up, All the Posts are on the SideBar under 'Birthday Posts'. There's lots and lots of CAKE over there. Be sure and pick up your Party Dress and see Dolly and Me in HighKickin Action. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions...As you can see, I never did 'MakeUp My Mind'.
It's My Great Pleasure on this First BlogginBirthday Party to Announce the Winner of The Pink Attitude Plate...
Sherry at Country Wings In Phoenix
Congratulations Sherry! You are such a 'Special Pinkie'.
Always one of the first to Welcome New Pinkies and make all of us 'Feel So Special'.

PS...Yep, this has sure been a better attended Birthday Party than #5...Thanks again!

BlogginBirthday Finale Header
One In A Millionaire BlogginBirthday Cake!!!!

In Western culture Birthday Cake is defined as a pastry or dessert served to a person on his or her birthday.
Birthday cakes are usually decorated with person’s name and carry a message of congratulations.
Candles equal to the number of year’s a person has been alive are also placed on the cake.
There is also a tradition to place one extra candle to bring good luck.
Birthday cakes are usually spongy and the most popular flavour in cakes is chocolate.
ALL 'The Candles' on These Cakes are EXTRAS ~ Just wanted to CashIn on The GoodLuck Thingy!!!
History of Birthday Cake can be traced back to the ancient Greeks who made round or moon shaped honey cakes or bread and took it to the temple of Artemis -the Goddess of Moon.
Some scholars, however, believe that the tradition of Birthday cake started in Germany in Middle Ages.
Sweetened bread dough was given the shape of baby Jesus in swaddling cloth and was used to commemorate his birthday.
This special birthday cake later reemerged in Germany as a Kinderfest or the birthday celebrations of a young child.
Germans also baked another special kind of a cake called Geburtstagorten as it was baked in layers.
This was sweeter that the coarse and bread like cake that were usually made at that time.
Now, That is what I call 'A Layer Cake'!!!
Just want to be sure there is enough cake for All Ya'll!
Technical Advancement in Making of Birthday Cake...
In the beginning the cakes used to be similar to bread. They were sweetened with honey and enhanced with nuts and dry fruits.
The ancient Egyptians were the first to show evidence of advanced baking skills.
Medieval European bakers used to make fruitcakes and gingerbread that could last for months.
During the 17th century, Europeans had made considerable advancement in the art of making cakes. They began to make what can be called precursor to modern cakes that were round and had icing.
This was mainly due to the development of technology that made available reliable ovens, food moulds and refined sugar. At that time cake hoops - which were round wooden or metal moulds for shaping cakes were placed on flat pans to effect the shape.
The First Icing that was used in cakes were usually a boiled composition of finest available sugar, egg whites and flavors. Then icing used to be poured on the cake and then the cake was put back into the oven for a while. When the cake was taken out, the icing cooled quickly to form a hard glossy ice-like covering.
Mouled cakes and fancy ices reached their zenith in Victorian times.
With the time, the art of baking cakes kept progressing and it was not until the middle of the 19th century that the cake we know of today developed.
Taste and appearance of the cake was enhanced with extra-refined white flour and the use of baking powder instead of yeast.
I'm soooooo Thankful for Technology! Just look at what it's done for Birthday Cakes and Birthday Parties!
Wonder what the Medivial Folks would have thought of SpongeBob?
Traditions and Superstitious Beliefs Related to Birthday Cake
In medieval times people of England used to place symbolic objects like coins, rings and thimbles in the batter of the cake.
It was believed that those who found coin in the cake would be wealthy while the unlucky finder of the thimble would never marry.
Wedding was signified for the person who found the slice of cake with ring.
Even today some people follow the tradition and place small figures, fake coins and small candies inside the cake.
If the cake fell while baking it was considered to be a bad omen and signified bad luck for the person in the coming year.
OMG!!! Nana, You are SooooooCooooool!!!
Who Knew that in 2010 'ThisTheme' would be Still Sooooo Popular!!!
I definately DidNot Bake this Cake...Taking No Chances on BadLuck!
Eat At Your Own Risk!
Why is Birthday Cake Round?
In earlier times, Birthday cakes were mostly round in shape.
Greeks offered round shape cake to the Goddess of Moon - Artemis as it signified moon. They even placed candles on the cake to make the cake glow like the moon.
Round shapes of cakes were preferred as these represented the cyclical nature of life. Most specifically, the sun and moon.
Technical reason given for the roundness of the cake is that most cakes we know off advanced from the bread.
In ancient times breads and cakes were made by hand. Typically, these were fashioned into round balls and baked on hearthstones or in low, shallow pans.
Hence, these naturally relaxed into round shapes. With the progress of times baking pans of various shapes were developed and today we see cakes in imaginative shapes and sizes.
My Favorite Birthday Cake is CHOCOLATE!!! In Any Shape!!!
For My Birthday, Mama gave me this box of Millionaires...I saved a couple for ya'll...NOT!
PS...MizMollye made a BlogginBirthday Card Ya'll Gotta See!
Now, MizMollye has 'ExpensiveTaste' in Birthday cakes. She suggested a Cake Covered in Texas Millionaires. OKAY, MizMollye....How about this for a Texas Millionaire Cake...
PPS...Ya'll ComeBack tomorrow for Pink Saturday where there will be the best Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake ever made! The 'Maker' is a GRIT and January Birthday Gal...not this one tho...I'm still not takin any chances on The BadLuck Thingy!
Also...Today is the LAST Day to SignUp for the BlogginBirthday Party GiveAway! If you haven't already signed up click HERE and get on that list!!!! BTW there will be Door Prizes and Party Favors....so SignUp!
January Gals, The Real Deal for Vintage Thingy Thursday

What are the Requirements for Being Vintage?
Inquiring minds 'Need To Know'!!
I've Pondered this before, but settled on...
And the Answer, "Well, ya know what they say about Grandmothers..."They're Just Antique Little Girls."
~If it's a piece of History it's Collectible, but age alone doesn't always make it Vintage.
~If in High Demand and No longer Available it could be classified Vintage.
~Generally Vintage is somewhere between 20 and 50 years old.
~However, just because it's old doesn't make it Collectible!
It Must Be The Real Deal - Not A Copy!
All Righty Then! It's sounding more and more like ...I May Be Vintage!

Once it's been determined that the Vintage Thingy is The Real Deal,
there are Five Factors that determine it's Value.

#1 Overall Popularity...In other words 'Does Everyone Born in January Collect Them'?
#2 Rarity...In other words 'Does Everyone Born in January HAVE TO HAVE Them'?

#3 Artistic Achievement...In Other words 'Does Everyone Born in January Collect only the ones that are Perfect'?
#4 Originality...In Other words 'Does Everyone Born in January Collect only One of a Kind'?
#5 Condition...In Other words 'Does Everyone Born in January Collect only Mint pieces'?

This January Figurine With Garnet is an Original by Joseph, signed, foiled and MintVintage is listed on EBay for $39.99 + $11.35 shipping = $51.34
I don't believe I'll do This #5.
One down Four ToGo!

I'm Goin with "If It Looks Old...It's Vintage".
And further more "If it's a January Gal, the $$ fits, and I like it...It's Vintage".

One thing I've learned this January is that Everyone Born In January Do Not Collect January Figurines.
Another thing I've figured out is 'Grandmothers ARE Just Antique Little Girls'.
I Love Being a Grandmother! I'm pretty sure that makes Me a Vintage Thingy!

Thanks Suzanne for hosting 'Vintage Thingy Thursday', and Thanks to all of You who visited my First VTT last week. I so appreciated the Warm Welcome and Comments!
I hope to see you all again this week over at ColoradoLady's Vintage Thingy Thursday.It's been a BlogginBirthday Week here at CollectInTexas Gal, and I hope you have enjoyed seeing my collection of January Gals, and if you have time Scroll Down and Join in the Party!
And...As Always...Thanks for Coming and Commenting.
It's Not Just Another Day...It's My Birthday...Thanks Mama!!!

On This Day in 1947, according to Wikepedia, nothing of Historic Importance happened...except to My Mama, who gave birth to a baby girl in a local Nursing Home because she couldn't get to the hospital due to a Snow Storm in Exira, Iowa.
Yep, it's this Girl Raised In Texas in her Iowa BornBirthdaySuit!
I guess that takes care of 'What To Wear' on My Birthday!
"But OMG, Nana! What's With That Hair?" says GrandD#1.

Say Hello to 'Mama' and her 'GreatGranddaughter #1'.
They are Beautiful Young Women!
And, on 'This Day', Historic or Not, I say "Thanks Mama for the 'BirthdaySuit and Head of Hair', for Raising This Girl In Texas, and being the 'BestMama' a Gal could have.
To her GreatGranddaughter#1, I say, "You are My Bright and Shining Star!...and OMG! What's With That Hair".

I've had soooo much fun this BlogginBirthday Week!
I hope you have, too!
If you missed the First Three Days and the First Three Posts:
~ What's My Theme
~ Dolly's Audition
~ What To Wear
Just Scroll Down and Follow the CAKES!
PS...About Birthdays and Age...
~I think all this talk about age is foolish. Every time I'm one year older, everyone else is too.
Gloria Swanson
~If things get better with age, then you're approaching magnificent.
Nicole Beale
~Age is not important unless you're a cheese.
Helen Hayes
~Age is a Thingy that this GRIT is Happy to Be Sharin with the BestBloggin Friends on the WWW.
CollectInTexas Gal
...And As Always...Thanks for Coming and Commenting!!!
KickinOff The Party...Three Posts In One or One TooMany Candles!

BlogginBirthday Party KickOff Posts
~Cake #1...What's My Theme?
~Cake #2...Dolly Auditions
~Cake #3...What To Wear?
If this is your first visit to the WeekLong Party, then you'll want to start at Cake #1.
It IS My First BlogginBirthday Party!
So, What's My Line...I Mean...What's My Theme?

"You Gotta Have A Theme, Nana! How about SpongeBob?"
...suggestion from 8yr. old GrandSon.

"Paleeeze, SpongeBob??? Nana's too old for SpongeBob and girls don't do SpongeBob. Nana, do 'Cinderella'. I'll be Cinderella and you can be 'The Fairy GodMother"

"OMG!!! That is SoNotCool!! Anyways, Nana needs to 'GetWithIt'...IT IS Like the 21st Century!
...suggestion from 15yr. old GrandDaughter.
All excellent suggestions, My Darling ThreeThoughtful Grands! I'll think on it...I mean...Like...I do wanna be Funny like SpongeBob and Magical like Cinderella and definately Cool and WithIt like Bella and Jacob!
I'm just not sure about the Vampire Thingy or the Fairy GodMothers Frumpy Outfit or SpongeBob's SquarePants!
Welcome To CollectInTexas Gals BlogginBirthday Party!!!!
Theme ToBe Determined!!!

Have you SignedUp for the GiveAwayGift? Click HERE....Pleeeze! Come On, It's My Birthday!!!!
Dolly Auditions for CollectInTexas Gals BlogginBirthday Party!
First, I'd like to Thank the Commenters from Post#l for their Theme Suggestions.
Thanks Cat The GypsyNurse, for suggesting a Glamorous Movie Star, PomPom for a Musical Video, and AlaCarte Linda said to 'PickOne and HaveFun'!
Now, you might think Dolly and I are Nuthin~ALike, and you'd be Right...in some ways.
I'm Tall and Dolly is Short. Dolly can Really Sing and I ReallyReally Can't.
Dolly's Blonde and I'm Brunette...sorta!
Dolly has alot on her Chest and I just Get Alot Off Mine!
So here's the ways we are Some~ALike.
First, her name is Dolly and I have a Dog Named Dolly.
(please don't tell Dolly I said that, she thinks she's a 'Girly').
We both have a 'Coat of Many Colors'...her Mama made hers and I got mine at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop.
Both of us are in the Entertainment Business. She's in Movies, on TV and has a DotCom, and I write a Blog!
Then there's the GRIT Thingy! Yep, we're both Girls Raised in T States.
She's from Tennessee and, Ya'll already know I'm a Texas Gal.
Finally, Dolly and I are both January Gals!
Yep, her Birthday is A Day and A Year before mine.
So despite a few minor differences, I think we could pass for Sisters.
What'd ya Think?
Sister Dolly wrote 'Better Get To Livin' just for us Gals...especially those of us who are havin Birthdays .
The Video is at another PartyPlace called the 'PoolParty'.
Before you go hear Dolly sing...Scroll to this BlogBottom and ShutOff those NewKids then TurnUp your Volume. Next, Right Click your Mouse on 'You Better Get To Livin', Select Open InA NewTab and once you are at the 'PoolParty', Scroll down to the UTube Video of Dolly singing 'Better Get To Livin' and Click the Arrow. Dolly sings for about 4 minutes...then you can come right back here for the PS.
PS...I haven't forgotten about the questions and comments from at least 4 of you who said you'd come to the Party if there was going to be CAKE! THERE WILL BE CAKE!!! Then there was a question about what to wear! I'll Ad~DRESS that in BlogginBirthday Week Post #3. See Ya'll then. Oh, Dolly and I are up for 'Entertainers of the Year' and we'd really appreciate your Vote and Comments!
WhatToWear WhatToWear & What's With This Hair???
You know, you'd think that the 'OlderYaGet' the easier it'd be making decisions. After all, I've got 63 years of experience in Tryin To MakeUp MyMind!
There, now ya know my AGE...I can't believe it and Mama sure can't believe it!
So, I think I'll start with what I'm for sure 'Not GoinToWear'!
Now, if YOU would like to wear one of these Outfits, Be My Guest, but BeWear...You'll be dressed just like Two of My Three Grands! Number 3 is wearing Cinderella's dress. So if 'YaWannaWear' the FairyGodMothers Frumpy Outfit...it's available!
Dolly left her Dress for anyone who has the Chest,Waist and Legs that will fit without doing any more alterations. I had a heck of a time getting my BigHairDo into it!
Quite A Few of You have commented about 'What's Going ToBe Available ToWear' at the Party and made suggestions for the Theme and Costumes to Match!
Again, DecisionsDecisionsDecisions!!!
Thanks MizMollye for this suggestion...I'm LovinIt...Which one do you want? I know you've been 'Dieting', and I'm thinkin you'll look great in the Pink & Black Number!
I've always wanted ToBe Scarlet! What GRITS Gal wouldn't! So, here's your chance, all you GirlsRaisedInTheSouth to wear a FrockMadeFrom Tara's Drapes! Sorry Ya'll, Rhett is not available at this time for the party. That Rascal is tied up at Miz MollyeBelle's Place...maybe she'll bring him along when She's Comin Around The Mountain!
Susan at Art of Mine suggested a 50's Theme and Outfit! It's another Favorite of Mine, afterall I was a Teen in the late Fifty's and Loved American BandStand, Fonzie, and Grease!
I know many of you are Vintage Collector Gals, like me, so here's some outfits you can just cut out and fold the tabs down over your shoulders and your GoodToGo! I loved PaperDolls and I'm sure I received them for lots of Birthdays! I wanted to be sure and have something for Denis at RubyGrace's to wear, and I think he'll like the Sailor Outfit.
You know, one of the great things about going to a Birthday Party in the Virtual World is you virtually could come in your 'Original Birthday Suit'.
I've thought of that, but I probably would have to cover this Sixty-three year old Original with a GrannyGown...I know some of Ya'll have one of those WebCam Thingys....Whata Shocker!
We'll ya'll, I hope I've Ad-Dressed the Dress Issue for the Party! And even though I still haven't 'MadeUpMyMind' on WhatToWear, I can definately say that I will have the Rollers Outta my Hair!
PS...I'm sure some of YOU are Faster Decision Makers than me. So, PickQuick on one of these Party Dresses and I'll SeeYa at the Party!