
M is for METLOX ... Thrifted and Collected!!!

METLOX is MADE In the USA....I Love that about METLOX!!!!

What 'DishLover' does not Wish for or Want a Set of PoppyTrail? 
Doesn't matter what Pattern....there are 69 from which to choose. 
Here are some of my favorites....and the Melox PoppyTrail Website for more.

I'm Wishing Wanting the rest of the pieces of Matilija(WhitePoppy) to make a 4 Place setting.  I found 4 dinner plates and 3 saucers thrifting for $8.  On the Metlox website I could finish the set for around $60.  Guess I'll keep Lookin' and Thriftin'.  That'll be my Metlox Challenge for 2011.

One of my first pieces of Metlox was the Pineapple Server.  I blogged about it  in the Yellow Kitchen Collection...It's Magic post back on August 18, 2009...that post is #5 in my TopTen Most Popular Posts.  It was an Antique/Flea Market Find for $10.50.  I still have not seen or found another to find out it's value. 

The recently acquired White Poppy plates are the insipration for a  planned tablescape.  I found the vintage tablecloth  just this week for $8. It has the same Retro-Look as the plates. Don't you think?  I'm enjoying getting into the Retro Look in Dishes!

The Daisy Tea Glasses were a gift from my Sister, and I've been waiting for just the right setting for them to make their Tablescape Debut.  The Green Desert dishes were a Thrift find several weeks ago.

And here's my Favorite Find so far in the New Year...yep, already been Thrifin'! 
Are these the cutest Individual Salt and Pepper Shakers ever, and do they ever go with the Metlox Plates, the Daisy Glasses and the Vintage Tablecloth? 
I have a few more things to find before I put this TableScape together.  I'm thinkin'.... Black napkins and Green or Yellow Flatware along with Black Candles and Candelabras. 

The California company that eventually developed into Metlox Pottery was actually started around 1920 by the Prouty family who sold their wares as ProutyLine Products. Combining parts of the words “metal” and “oxide,” the substance that gives pottery its vibrant colors, eventually resulted in the Metlox moniker. 
More Metlox History and Collecting Info HERE.

In keeping with my New Years Goal of Conserving My Blog Time and Blog Space on CollectInTexas Gal, this post will be linked to TWO of my Favorite Memes.

Alphabe~Thursday...Thank-you Jenny and AlphabeBloggers.  I'm looking forward to the second half of the alphabet in the weeks to come.

Junkin' Finds Friday...Thank-you Linda at A La Carte for this FunFunFun Time sharing my Thriftin' Finds  and Collections!


  1. Fun retro dishes! You have a great tablescape in the making~ I love your new S&P's! Happy Thrifting in 2011 :-)

  2. I DO hope you find the Metlox pieces you are looking for. The White Poppy pattern is very attractive!

  3. I like that spot of blue!!

  4. I love all the springy yellows and greens. The pineapple serving dish is wonderful and the daisy glasses are sweet.

    Happy New Year! La

  5. Sue, this is a great post! I like the way you've given us good information on the Metlox company as well as the photos of the great pieces you've found thrifting. No doubt more of these pieces will come your way. Thanks for sharing this today. The Sculptured Daisy pattern was one that many of my friends selected for their bridal registry. Bet there is lot of that here in TX.
    ~ Sarah

  6. They are really pretty. Looks like you had a lot of good days thrifting.

  7. love the daisy glasses...good luck with your search...

  8. Thanks for sharing the info on Metlox. I have a few pieces I found while thrifting. I know I have a Woodland Gold Platter which I used at Thanksgiving. I'll have to check on the others. My sister recently began collecting the Ivy dishes.

    Your tablescape will be devine!

  9. I love Metlox pottery. I have thrifted several patterns, but love the one you showed here. Wow and can't wait for that tablescape. Thanks for joining JFF!

  10. I enjoyed seeing you Metlox dishes...saw something in a thriftshop today but don't remember what it was. I do have a few pieces of the "Rooster" design...love your description of these!!!

  11. Those are great finds. I really like that pineapple serving dish.

  12. Love the Metlox Sue! I have two pairs of twisted candlesticks by Metlox, one is in ivory and the other in aqua that I have collected but no dishes. I've thought about collecting the Sculptured Daisy but never see any pieces in thrift stores. I also have a set of 4 cute daisy glasses that are similar. Hey those green compote dishes you found go perfect with the Matilija dinnerware! I also think black napkins would pop on that vintage tablecloth too.

    Sounds like a plan is in the works. Great info on Metlox and I too like that it's made in America!~Ames

  13. Sue you are such a sweetheart! Ypou always post so much great info and your photos are especially wonderufl. Love the look of those dishes! All of them! Hugs Anne

  14. How interesting! I hadn't heard about this brand before - don't think I've ever seen a single one of the patterns.

  15. Like Pondside I have never seen this before and it is gorgeous. Good luck on your thrifting. Joni

  16. Nice! Good luck completing it!


  17. Anonymous1/06/2011

    The pineapple design is my favorite. What beautiful patterns!

  18. Wow, I can't believe you managed to collect several pieces for only $8! Don't you just love thrift shopping? Those dishes are amazing by the way. I love the vintage look to them. Plus, they look very sturdy :)

  19. It's so fun seeing lots of tablescapes intermingled with Alphbe-Thursday! Was not familiar with "metlox", so enjoyed reading all...love the pineapple server!

  20. I love the colors this week. Makes me long for spring and warm weather.....

  21. I adore beautiful china, dishes, glasses, just everything! Men never understand this love we have and hubby always says, what are you going to do with that-ha! Hugs, K

  22. I have just found your blog -- wonderful!! So nice to have access to such beautiful vintage things. I have a small collection of Homer Laughlin china. In the area where I live it's not easy to find things in good condition; people didn't have money to buy much and had to use everything until its beauty was gone. I'll be back to visit again.

  23. what a beautiful bright & happy colour palette for this time of year!

  24. Oh, no! I've never seen or heard about METLOX before, but I think I could get hooked looking for them. They're gorgeous, fun, and so happy-looking. :-)

  25. How cool... I've not seen METLOX before but they have some really fun patterns!

  26. I've never heard of Metlox! How fun, though. I love when I visit a blog for Alphabe-Thursday and learn something new!

    These dishes are so happy! You could do a lot with them.

    I shall be keeping my eyes peeled at garage and estate sales.

    And I really, really like your pineapple dish. That would be so fun with a group banana split in it!

    Thanks for a magical stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "M".


  27. Anonymous1/08/2011

    I love love love your blog. Found you through The Texas Bloggers site and I am your newest follower!! I hope you pop over for a visit!! :)

  28. I am anxious for you to complete your setting so we can see a tablescape with those beautiful dishes.

  29. mzloolue8/25/2012

    I think the green octagon dishes are Independence. I have some and it took me a long time to discover what they are.


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