Onward and Upward Sideways in the world of Online Marketing. Upward would apply if I had stepped up to a Website Builder/Host that offers Freebies for this domain or that number of Gigs, etc. etc.. The professional Templates are tempting with their polished graphics, drag and dropping options and scrolling Headers. But, after researching and scratching my head over the Not Really Freebies and the Not Really For This Price per Month and the Reality Fine Print, I decided to make my move Sideways...
....to the Sidebar!!!

Your next Sideways-Sidebar click is another Sideways move to a Blogger ForReal FREE Blog...
So...You can get there from here and You can get there from
Either 'Sideways' you get there...You get the Coupon!
Sounds like a good idea. Hope folks swipe sideways and get their goodies