It is alot about The M O U S E!!!
When I first started CollectInTexas Gal...three years ago to friend and 1965 High School Classmate said, "Sue, exactly what is a Blog?" She was clueless and I was one click ahead of her to knowing what a Blog was. That one click was "Click here to Start Blogging". So with my indepth knowledge of Blogger and my HiTechie Computer skills I set out to educate Anne, and ultimately the rest of my Classmates who were depending on me to set up a Blog for The MHS Class of 1965.
Dear Anne,
I was going to give you a proper definition for 'Blog, but the 1965 Edtion of Websters that my parents gave me for graduation doesn't have BLOG listed. It should have been somewhere around blocky, bloke and blonde.

So, here's a SuDefinIshun...
BLOG - a place on the InterNet or InnerNet or EnterNet or WorldWideWeb....really doesn't matter how you spell or misspell's not in the 1965 Webster either. Okay, back to SuDef of Blog...
on the WWWeb where ANYBODY in the whole wide world via their Personal Computer (PC)...also NOT in Webster, but computer defined as: one that computes; an automatic electronic machine for performing calculations.
Again, back to Blog...via personal computer, who share information mostly useless ramblings about themselves (speaking primarily of this blogger) with other people known as Bloggers, who also share their ramblings and then want lots more Bloggers who Blog to comment on their Blog.
The Information is sent to somewhere in OuterSpace via WonderWhereWireless wires to this WonderWhereWeb which then spins it off to the intended Receivers PC via their Secret Code that only they and their InterNet Provider know. Unfortuantely, we have learned that the Provider CANNOT keep a secret.

One confusing thing about setting up a PC in order to get on the
www to Blog is this thing they call Wireless Connection. I just can't figure how they get Wireless when there is a tangle of wires behind my PC that makes cooked spaghetti look straight. And what's really confusing is that even my Webster defines wireless
as having no wires. I will say however, that when all the wireless wire connections are easy feat...that it is a
snap click to get on the
www so you can
Google and
Yahoo. Is that a hoot or what?
Yahoo. I had to look that up too, since I couldn't figure what an uncouth and rowdy person had to do with the
WorldWideWeb. My mother used to call us kids 'You bunch of Yahoo's'...that's how I knew about the uncouth and rowdness. And
Google...closest thing I found was the word
'ooglist'...a collector of bird eggs. That is so not right!

I must admit that The Googler People are certainly creative and seem to know what I mean when I type in that box...which is really not called a box but a window. Weird! Sometimes I give Google a Test to find words I make up or misspell. It comes right back with
"Did you mean ______?" and shows pages and pages of what I meant. The
WholeWideWeb is just MindBogoogling. Ya know Anne, it's very important to know the terminology and names of stuff on the
www and the PC. Like Desktop, Tool Bars, Window, Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Email and especially Spellcheck (which I dare not ClickOn). I did once...I was hours getting back to the document. All those terms I can kind of see and relate to their functions, but the one that really throws me is
The M O U S E...what's with that?
I'm not sure I would have ever touched it except I got tired of moving the arrows up, down and side to side. My Pre-PC mouse experiences were whacking them with a broom or enticing them with cheese for a quick strangulation. Once caught I still wouldn't touch one...threw out the trap with the mouse and never used the broom in the house again. Now, me and MY M O U S E go Googleing...Blogging...Surfing and LOLing for hours and hours and hours. It's ridiculous.
My M O U S E!!!
So, there ya are Anne and my Dear CollectInTexas Gal Readers.....How I started Blogging!
Mind BloGoogling, huh?
Thanks Ya'll for being CollectInTexas Gals Blogging Friends and Followers!
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The Letter M
is for M O U S E