Retro's the Rage Today! Pink Retro is Groovy, Man!
Oh! My Pink Pedal Pushers, who are these Pink Retro People, anyway?
That's the question I asked FiFi DuBois.
The second question I asked FiFi was
"Is that your real name?"
Welcome to The House of FiFi DuBois.
"Where The Lava Lamp is Always On".
And where this Girl Raised in Texas in the 1960's, found her Mother's Pink Lamp, the Standing Pink Ashtray that stood by her Daddy's 'Not Pink Chair, and more Pink Retro Ceramics.
Actually, our 1960's Floral Couch and matching end tables were there, too.
I wonder if my Mother would like to have them back?
Probably not!
I'm amazed at the Retro Craze today.
FiFi says the Retro Crowd are the Twenty and Thirty Something's.
Well, all I gotta say about that is..."Been There Done That".
Although as I look back on my own 1960's Memories,
I'm beginning to appreciate that Era more.
FiFi is her real Nickname and her Very Retro Shop features
Mid-Century-Vintage Furniture
Retro-Themed Clothing, Gifts & Accessories
123 S. Chadbourne.....San Angelo, Texas
M I C...K E Y...M O U S E !!!I know many of you remember the Mickey Mouse Club and the Mouseketeers,
and I bet your thinkin,
"What's That Got To Do with PINK"?

Annette Funicello, one of the most famous Mouseketeers in the 50's, Teen Movie Star of the 1960's and subject of a series of books. She was America's Sweetheart, and being a teen in the 1960's, I saw her Beach Movies with Frankie Avalon, Fabian and that 'Big Hunky Guy'. Read about her in my best friend Nancy's Teen magazines, knew the words to all her songs, and yes, read this book. It is wonderfully PINK and the following pictures are a few of the illustrations from...

Annette ~ Sierra Summer.....published in 1960
I hope you have enjoyed this
Pink Blast from the Past
with FiFi, Annette and this GRIT.
Learn more about Annette Funicello
She really was 'America's Sweetheart of the 1960's' and a Groovy Role Model.
Annette Funicello
12-22-1942 ~ ALIVE...Thankfully
Many Thanks to Pink Saturday Hostess Beverly at
How Sweet The Sound.
Please visit the Pink Saturday Participants and CollectInTexas Gals 'New Blog ShoutOut'...
Vintage Comfort ...Mary is a Knitter, has the sweetest picture of her
'Auntie Alieen and Mama', and wonderful Collectables on her blog.
Tell her I sent you and as always,
Thanks for Coming and Commenting!
PS...Thanks to Big Gee and with further research on my part...Annette Funicello is still living. My most humble apologies to all for the mis-information that she had died this past June. Unfortunately, I misunderstood or was misinformed via an Inter-Net Site during my research for this post. Like, they say..."You can't believe everything you read in the paper the Inter-Net.