
AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'Z' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'Z' Word Prompt...Zany
Here's the list of synonyms for Zany:
I say...If the Tiara fits!
Last 'Z' Word Prompt...Zoo
My 'Sheep to Shop' Wool Producing Petting Zoo!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'Y' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
 First 'Y' Word Prompt...Yard
 By the Yard
Run 50 Yards
 For the Yard
 Oh My Word.....What A Yard!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Last 'Y' Word Prompt...Yule


AtoZ 2019...Oh My No 'X' Word & One Photo

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
     Here's the deal with the First and Last 'X' Word Prompt....There are no 'X' Words in the 1975 edition of The Family Word Finder.  The book was prepared by the editors of the Readers Digest who evidently had as much or more trouble coming up with 'X' words as most of the AtoZ Challengers do year after year.  So, they just left it out!  Yep, it went straight from wry (last 'w' word) to yank (first 'y' word.
     Can't say I'm too torn up about it, tho!!! 
Now I don't have to match any words to this awesome 'X' photo!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'W' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
 First 'W' Word Prompt...Wade
The first thing we think of is wading through water
...unless you are at a lake that is in a long drought. 
Then it is a walk/trek through mud to reach the water.
Ahhhhh...finally water to wade/walk/ford through.
Last 'W' Word Prompt...Wry
       I should be familiar with this word...I mean I practice it's opposites/*antonyms almost everyday in my chosen profession as a Fiber Artist.  You see I work hard to cut *straight lines and innately strive for *symmetrically balanced compositions.  I have to work harder to make things look askewed, crooked and twisted.
      Then sometimes I get really lucky and get all the 'Wry' synonyms in one photo.  Amazing how water can contort, warp, and twist a perfectly symmetrical face.


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'V' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
 First 'V' Word Prompt...Vacant
     On several posts throughout this challenge, I have given information on the origin of the word prompt used.  Not all words in 'Family Word Finder' have the word origin feature, but for those that do 'Family Word Finder' says, "If you get into the habit of reading the Word origins, you will gain a broad understanding of how our language grew".
    So, let's explore the word 'Vacant'.  Vacant, vacuum, vacuous, vacate, evacuate, void, vacation, vain, vanity and vaunt all come from Latin vacare...to empty and it's adjective form vacuus.  Thus a vacuum is an empty space...a vacuity; a vacuous remark is one empty of intelligencevacant means empty, especially of occupants; and vacate and evacuate mean to make empty or vacant.
     There's more, but I think I'll vacate this line of vacuous remarking and give you the benefit of knowing that the photographed building is certainly empty of occupants...at least the human kind.  However, the relator sign may indicate the building may not be void of possibilities....if you are 'Chip & Joanna', 'This Old House', 'Property Brothers' and me. 
      My non-Latin speaking husband ended that idea with,
"Have you lost your ever lovin' vacuous mind!!!!"
Last 'V' word Prompt...Vulnerable
 In April of 2011, a pair of cardinals nested in a rose bush directly in front of our bedroom window.  It was an amazing month or so of photographing the process of nest building, birthing baby cardinals, parenting and eventually being empty nesters. 
     Here are some things I learned about Cardinals and the vulnerabilities of hatching their young.
~The female builds the nest while the male keeps an eye out for her and the surrounding territory for predators and other males. The female will be the only one incubating the eggs.
~The males duty during this time is to feed her on the nest and protect their territory from intruders.
~Once the young hatch, both will feed them. Two broods each season are attempted.
~The nest is made up of twigs, bark strips, vines leaves, rootlets, paper, and lined with vines, grass and hair.
~You can find the nest placed in dense shrubbery or among branches of small trees. Generally 1-15 feet above ground.
~Laying 2-5 eggs that are buff-white with dark marks. The female incubates the eggs for 12- 13 days and the young leave the nest in 9-11 days after hatching.
     Obviously the eggs and hatchlings are the most vulnerable to predators like Bluejays who will raid the nests if unguarded
     As the babies grow, they can fall out of the nest and be exposed to the elements and dangers on the ground.  We placed a portable fence around the rose bush.
      The parents often perched on the fence while taking a break, but staying near the nest hardly ever leaving it unguarded by at least one of them.


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'U' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."

First 'U' Word Prompt...Ugly
They say there is no such thing as 'Ugly Fabric'.  I'm guessing that goes along with "In the eye of the beholder".  However, my beholding eye does on occasion see some uuugggly fabrics!  Point in case...the greenish, brownish, yellowish, bluish, blahhhhish 5ish yards inherited from an estate.  Notice I said inherited...not a cent spent on the 'Ishie' stuff or any of the other 'Blahhhish Bolts'.  But, you know me...'Waste Not, Want Not' and I never turn down Fabric or Fiber no matter how ugly or lovely!
Once it is paired with a lovely color like turquoise, no longer does it's 'blahishness' seem important.  Instead it serves to highlight the fabrics with which it is combined.
Now, my beholding eye agrees......'There's is no such thing as Ugly Fabric.
Last 'U' Word Prompt...Utopia
A perfect place, paradise, Shangri-La in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico!
And then there was the beach and Sister Time....my idea of Utopia!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'T' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."

First 'T' Word Prompt...Table
     When setting up housekeeping, a kitchen/dinning table is usually at the top of the list...right after a bed room suite...which must include a bedside table or two.  I'm an eclectic table collector...they are necessary to display a variety of other collections including dishes.
      Tablescaping was a thing in Blogland back in 2012.  I participated in several 'Tablescaping Memes' that gave me the opportunity to play with my collection of dishes and all things for setting a table including table cloths.   
     As a collector of 'All Things Table Setting'...it is rare to find a table cloth that is in mint condition.  The Daisy Cloth was such a find.  Made by Simtex probably from the 1950-60 era.
Last 'T' Word Prompt...Tyro
Never heard of this word before now, but have been one my entire life....'A Learner'.  I started out as an beginner spinner 1 year, 2 months and 22 days ago....well, there about if counting from the month, week, and day that I got my own wheel.  I can't really count the times I tried spinning at the spinning group I belong to.  I'm pretty sure my patient teacher thought, "This greenhorn, novice, will never get the hang of spinning a decent thin strand of yarn".   
Sure enough she was spot on with the thin strand flowing through a .375" orifice.  I could clog that tiny thing with every other pump of the treadle.  There was a solution and it works perfectly for a thick and thin art yarn spinner.  It's called a Jumbo Flyer with a 3/4" orifice...pic #2.  Then there was treadling enough to get enough twist so the wad would hold together.  I actually could get twist...over twisted...cork screw tight...for a couple of inches then nothing...Failed the twist test.  Fill a bobbin?  Not enough time in the day when you have to start over a kabillion times.

     After all this time, you can imagine how filling a bobbin, making twist enough for coils and having enough yarn to actually make something has me breaking my arm patting myself on the back. 
     And that's just one of the bobbins I have managed to fill.  I now have several full hanging racks with Sue Spun Art Yarn in my Shop. 
                      Now both arms are broken.


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'S' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'S' Word Prompt...Sabbath
A world without a Sabbath would be like a man without a smile, like a summer without flowers.
~Henry Ward Beecher~
Last 'S' Word Prompt...System
     For AtoZ 2015 my collection of photos went through a numerical organization that setup an envelope file for the years I planned to highlight.  The method was borne out of the lack of the modus operandi my Mother had practiced for decades. 
     I call it the 'Shoebox Album'....her *arbitrary and *haphazard system of filing the many photos she saved from 1950 through 1965. *antonyms


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'R' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'R' Word Prompt...Rabble
     Once again, Family Word Finder's take on a word has implications for 'Rabble Rebel Rousing'.  The last thing I'd want to do is incite a mob into a swarm of a disorderly crowd
     In 1975 it might of have been acceptable for Rabble to be used in reference to commoners, lower classes, proletariat, the masses, riffraff and even the great unwashed.   Today...so politically incorrect and a sure way to incite the masses.  I have no photos of a swarming mob of disorderly riffraff or any other rabble rousers.
     So, I'm going with  the German synonym for Rabble...Lumpenproletariat which is interpreted as, the HERD.  I can pull together herd and the great unwashed and still be politically correct and not be insulting to any of the other rabble rousers.
Except possibly this heifer and her calf!
 Last 'R' Word Prompt...Ruthless
Family Word Finder used Attila the Hun as an example of a ruthless, merciless, heartless, relentless, brutal tyrant.  I wouldn't go so far as to call my husband Attila, but he certainly seemed heartless and brutal when I suggested he trim my prize rose bushes....with a chainsaw.
  Fortunately, a pink haired queen stepped in to supervise and.... the bushes produced the prettiest roses ever. 
Really, he is all the antonyms of Attila...
merciful, compassionate, kind, tender, gentle and humane!
The chainsaw has been replaced with 'Rose Clippers'.


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'Q' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
 First 'Q' Word Prompt...Quack
     I so wanted to show shots of the Ducks and Geese at the park on the Concho River.  There are great shots of them swimming, ducking underwater, preening and quacking.  However, Family Word Finders idea of Quack,  it's synonyms and antonyms,  had nothing to do with water fowl, but with the foul practitioners of medicine.  They were also known as medical impostors, charlatans and fake doctors. 
     The word Quack is a short form of quacksalver, from the Dutch word kwakzalver which means to quack,  so the word may originally have meant one who quacks.  Sounds like ducks to me....
Last 'Q' Word Prompt...Quota
     So, as a collector of Head Vases, the one quantity put on the collection was the sticker price.  The measure of value was never based on size or condition.  In fact, I have more that have a minimum amount of flaws in proportion to those that are perfect. 
     There....I used my quota of synonyms in describing one of my more valuable collections.  Of course a collectibles value regardless of it's rarity or flawless condition is apportionment to what the market will bare.  In the last couple of decades it's been a Barely Market...I have reached my Quota.
Except on these Birthday Girls and Angels...I try to add at least 1 a year.
They are kind of like having Birthdays....Happy not to have met my Quota!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'P' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'P' Word Prompt...Pace
Let's take a walk.  We will go slow.  Look, we are in step.  Lost your momentum?  No Problem!
Last 'P' Word Prompt...Pygmy
Back to the 'Extreme Junkin' photo shoot.  Again, who knew...certainly not me! 
But here they are...midgets in a jar and cup full of dwarfs.
Thank you Walt Disney and Warner Bros.


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'O' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'O' Word Prompt...Oaf   
     Seriously, this is from a photo file labeled 'PhotoShoot Extreme Junkin'.  Sometimes I am such a ninny, nitwit, and numskull to think I'd ever have a need to portray what looks like a simpleton, clod, ignoramus or half-wit
     I usually point my camera at subjects that portray the antonyms of ignoramus' like genius, intellectual, pundit, sage, and guru.  And, to my credit, I would never call this poor Oaf a MANEATER!
Last 'O' Word Prompt...Own
My apologies Hall & Oates...I will Own up to being a Bonehead!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'N' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
 First 'N' Word Prompt...Nadir
Sometimes we must experience the low points in life
to learn lessons we wouldn't have learned any other way.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. 
Last 'N' Word Prompt....Nuzzle
No words needed!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'M' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
 First 'M' Word Prompt...Macabre
Gruesome, grim, ghastly, horrible, frightful, frightening,
horrid, dreadful, horrific, and just plain weird!
 The things we do to entertain our grandkids on Halloween!
Last 'M' Word Prompt...Mystical
     In many of my Weavings and other Fiber Art works, fetishes are used as embellishments and symbols.  American Indians have used fetishes throughout recorded history.  They are believed to hold magical powers of protection from problems of mind and body.  Some believe their 'Mystical' powers can even protect against problems of the universe.
     The Zuni Bear carved from turquoise is known as a Guardian of the West.  It is associated with great strength, power, healing and self-knowledge.  The 'sacred bear' is a spiritual guide and carries within him supernatural powers.
Zuni Indians believe in the six cardinal guardian fetishes.  Each guardian fetish guards one of the six directions:  Mountain Lion...guardian of the North;  Badger...guardian of the South;  Bear...guardian of the West;  Wolf...guardian of the East;  Mole...guardian of the inner Earth and Eagle...guardian of the Sky. (PuebloDirect.com-Zuni Fetish Meanings)


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'L' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts come first from 'Family Word Finder' ... a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order.  I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a photograph from my collection/files.  Some invoke words in a story and others invoke that age old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'L' Word Prompt...Label 
     In Old French, label means 'ribbon'.  That worked out well from Old French times to today for the fashion industry and any others who want to be Labeled.  Actually, 'Labels' are themselves an industry...even some made in the USA. 
      Label making has been taken to a whole new Old French level with sticking, tagging, signing, stamping, identifying, classifying and earmarking everything from Apples to Zippers. 
 I stitch mine!!!
Last 'L' Word Prompt...Lyric 
     I could not resist going to Webster for a definition for this 'L' word...words that make up a song usually consisting of verses and choruses.  Okay, that's reasonable and relevant from the beginning of time until today especially if those verses and choruses are melodious, musical, lilting, mellifluent and sweet sounding.      We have all had Happy Birthday sung to us...not always on key, but special and sweet sounding to our ears, even with add on verses like 'you look like a monkey'. 
Happy Birthday lyrics are extra special on one's Rockin' 16th Birthday!


AtoZ 2019...Oh My 'K' Words & Photos

For AtoZ 2019, Word Prompts from 'Family Word Finder' ...
a thesaurus of synonyms and antonyms in alphabetical order. 
I take the first word and the last word of each letter and match it to a
photograph from my collection/files. 
Some invoke more words, and others invoke that age old adage
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
First 'K' Word Prompt...Keep
      Obviously...I'm a Keeper...at least my husband thinks so...he's kept me around for over 50 years.  However, that's not what this Keep word is about.  I can use every synonym listed and then some to describe my ability to hold on to, store, accumulate, heap, stack and pile up all the stuff I have retained, preserved, maintained and conserved for....well forever.  I care for, look after, and safeguard my many collections of Keepsake Stuff. 
     I like to think of myself as a keeper for the sake of posterity and that 'Keepsake Stuff' will be considered as Family Heirlooms...not to be *discarded, *abandoned, *given up, or fodder for Craig's List or a Garage Sale.  *antonyms...heaven forbid! 
     In the Family Word Finder...the word Keep and forms of it, like keeper and keepsake, took up an entire column.   Not once did it say 'Hoarder'....whew!
 Last 'K' Word Prompt...Kudos
      Back in 1975 when my Family Word Finder was published, it described the word Kudos thusly...Kudos is a long-neglected word recently revived by journalists seeing a fresh synonym for praise, plaudit, honor.  Here we are in the 21st Century and once again the word Kudos has made a comeback...not only with journalist, but with the population in general.
      Some of the synonym words like...praise, admiration, honor, high regard, and esteem are perfect for describing the Flag Presentation Ceremony to the Vietnam Veterans from my high school graduating class of 1965.