
October Has Come To Texas

Then summer fades and passes and October comes. We'll smell smoke then, and feel an unexpected sharpness, a thrill of nervousness, swift elation, a sense of sadness and departure.
 Thomas Wolfe


  1. So glad October has reached Texas. I will be in Dallas next week to see a very good friend and go to a Wicked Tea! Beautiful photo. Grace xoxo

  2. Good Morning Sue Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful share this morning. I am so thrilled that Fall has came to Texas, maybe it means Arizona is to far off hu? I mean a girl can dream right?

    We actually had a little rain last night. It was lovely and the breeze felt heavenly. We may get a little more today they say, we'll see. Might mean some is coming your way as well.

    Beautiful pumpkin and gords. Love the bench coloring as well.

    Have a gorgeous day sweet friend. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  3. Love the fall picture. Your gourds and pumkins are so festive. I planted gourds this year but our horrible swamp in spring and heat in summer killed them. I'm going to do my front porch this week. The poem is so beautiful. Have a fantastic day my friend.

  4. Every fall I remember, too late, that I meant to plant gourds..........next year! We could detect smoke in the air on the weekend and it prompted us to light a fire for the evening -lovely.

  5. I'm so glad that it is here! Beautiful pumpkin photo.


  6. What great colors to represent this great season. Love the deep orange-red.


  7. Anonymous10/08/2010

    I love your quote and the wonderful pumpkin arrangement.


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