
Y is for YARN

In the beginning someone, somehow, someway figured out that with a piece of string and a couple of sticks,
a piece of cloth could be made that would someday send a specific section of the worlds population
 into a FiberComa and Knitting Stuff Addiction. 

 Most everyone knows what Yarn is, so I won't go into the specifics of how it came to be or the
 in's and out's of getting it from Sheep to Shop! 
 I'll just get right to the Fiber Coma and Addiction part of being a Knitter and YarnAHolic!
Yarn is kinda like Potato Chips!  One is never enough!
A well rounded Yarn Stash should have the following:
  1. 2 or 3 skeins...4 would be better...of every color of yarn known to woman kind.
  2. a variety of weights like Fingering, DK, Sport, Sock, Worsted in basic color palette and then some zingers.
  3. one can't use 100% Wool on everything, so gotta have silk blends, acrylics, cottons and whatever else is the latest in the world of YarnArama!
There's more, but I think you get the picture. 
The worst of it is I haven't even begun to touch on the horrible side effects of having a YarnARama Stash!
  The Tools, Gadgets, Bags, Books and Stuff!

    The thing is, I never intended for this Yarn Thingie to get to the Coma and Addiction Stage! 
    It's not like I haven't been there before!
    Before I became a Yarn Junkie, I was a Quilt/FabricAHolic!
    I was the Queen of QuiteALot of Everything Quilty!
    Some might say I still am, however after lots of
    Fabric DeTox and ReFocus Therapy that Stash is what I call Busted!

    Now I am ReFocused on managing my YarnARama!
    I have it down to One Knitting Blog
    One Wednesday Afternoon a week Knitting Group and
     One Monday Night a Month Knitting Guild Meeting.

    Two Rooms and One Nest at home.

    A Few Several Untold Number of Works In Progress.

The best thing about being  Strung Out on Yarn!!!!
My Great Yarnie Friends!
Linking To Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday


  1. Mmmmmmmm. I love looking at all that yarn. Guess what? I'm knitting socks!

  2. I love that you knit...I envy people that can...

  3. LOVE it Sue! 'Y'arn for you is like 'P'ig for me-too funny! You make such beautiful things-enjoy:@)

  4. very interesting. If only I could knit! Yup you heard me I don't know how to knit . I've always wanted to knit me a pair of wooly slippers . I think they are so comfortable .

  5. oops! I don't think I have enough yarn in my stash, lol. It is like potato chips!

  6. wonderful, wonderful photos! I love yarn...now if i could just convince myself to actually USE all of it! it's delightful that you have folks to share the hobby with!

  7. We don't have a yarn shop in our town in NC so I'm learning to knit from a Maran Illustrated book. I love it but there just doesn't seem t be enough hours in the day....lol...Loved all your yarn. I think I have yarn envy.

  8. YARN A HOLIC!!! It's so nice to see I am not the only one with some type of craft addiction, mine is banners right now. I just love that the letter Y fits you so nicely!!!

  9. Anonymous3/30/2011

    I love all the colors! It must be hard to not want to pick them up and take them home.

  10. I totally want to learn how to knit! Love the colors. :)

  11. I've a bit of yarnaphobia myself. I just finished knitting the cutest lined purse for my granddaughter, and, and, and, and...love the yarns. Now, all I need is more time.

  12. artistic passions are the best! I love it! {:-Deb

  13. I love the idea of sitting around with friends visiting while creating something at the same time. Your yarn collection looks like my mom's fabric stash.

  14. What a wonderful addiction! Way better than most. I had to learn to knit in fourth grade, but I don't think I've done it since. I am amazed at anyone who can make something besides an uneven scarf.

  15. Y is for yummy yarn! Great post, Sue. ~ sarah

  16. Oh this is one fantastic post!!! And I not only crochet, I just love seeing yarn in baskets too...It makes me feel like the world is a happy place!

  17. You had to have thought this post up to make me feel good! I love the photo of your chair and all the yarn because that's what it looks like here, sometimes. I have a serious stitchery stash and have baskets tucked everywhere, but when I start a new project the baskets are out and overflowing.

  18. Yarn is just beautiful to look it ... it just makes you happy! i love visiting the yarn shop and dreaming of making stuff with every single bit!

  19. Seeing all of your yarn photos reminds me of watching my mom knitting for hours on end. I used to take her to the store to buy just the right combinations of colors for her creations.

  20. I literally have 8 big, and I mean big, plastic bins of yarn and then a few smaller canvas bins which hold unfinished projects. I understand the addiction.

  21. I so envy knitters and crochers - I did buy a book on making a dish cloth, some yarn and a needle. Wish me luck.


  22. Oh sweet lady this was a wonderful post! My momma would love it. I wish so much I was still in Texas so I could join in on the fun. I need someone to teach me how to quilt and knit too! I can knit I just can't take it off the needles or it will all come un-done hahaha!

    Y'all enjoy a good ol' day of tea sippin and hen gather'n

  23. Sue,
    Neat post. I am not as severely affected as you are but pretty close. Of course, I have dish issues, fabric issues, and project issues to be resolved - all in good time.

  24. Hi Sue! All this yarn looks very familiar to me! Similar photos could be taken here as well, but I like to think I have it under control... What I'm starting to worry about is my wildly growing scrapbooking stash! YIKES! It just keeps growing and growing, and I don't know if there's any way I can stop it! ~tina

  25. I am about candles and soap as you are about yarn. I get it!


  26. gentle, soft, and colorful yarns, love them..

    what a treat.

  27. You have such lovely craft supplies! The yarns are such pretty colors. Hobbies make us happy and that's agood thing :)

  28. You need more stuff woman!!! LOL!

    You should make up some of those pretty hot pink,orange & yellow summer weight shawls and sell them on itsy. Violet and lavender and fushia ones too. I just love the one you were wearing in one of your other post. We have nothing like that down here.~Ames

  29. It's the shawl in your March 13 Sueknitwitty post. They are sweet!~Ames

  30. This is a good addiction. You are a clever one! Anne

  31. Yarnie Friends! LOL! fellow addicts?! (in a nice way, of course!)
    I could join you in the Queen of Quite a Lot Realm!
    Oh the wonderfulness of crafty addictions!

  32. I have a nest that looks a little like yours in the wintertime, when I am making throws and scarves. It's the only thing I know how to knit!!

  33. I am so impressed and a touch jealous too. What a fabulous hobby and great photos too

  34. The same can be said for blogging!

  35. Move over Blossom Street! Sounds like you are living a knitting novel right there in Texas!

    What a fun and lovely post.

    This made me wish I didn't have two left thumbs!

    Thanks for linking.



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