I Accept This Honest Scrap Award....
For I Honestly Love Scraps!
A Few Scraps of Info About This GRIT:
1) As a Quilter, I Love Scraps! I enjoy the results of scrap quilts more than those made from planned yardage patterns.
2) I Collect OPS...Other Peoples Scraps...of Fabric, Yarn, Lace, Crochet, etc.
3) I Make the Best Tex-Mex Scrap Goulosh...that'd be LeftOvers with a Kick!
4) Always been a ScrapSaver, and just finished ScrapBooking 'Senior Year Memories'. A combined Scrapbook of mine and my husbands 1965 Senior Year for our 45th Class Reunion.
5) I seldom throw away ANYTHING! I try to ReCycle or RePurpose...or what we used call Re-Do!
6,7,8,9,10)Born in Iowa...Raised In Texas. Love My God, Family and Country!

Thanks Sam at My Carolina Kitchen for the 'Honest Scrap Award'. Sam is a gourmet cook, writer and food columnist. Does this 'Chicken with Tomatoes, Basil and Feta Served over Orzo' look DeliciouslyScrappy or what?
Honest Scrap Award...Here are the rules as they were presented to me from Sam:
- Post the Honest Scrap award on your blog. Present this award to seven others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you. See my SEVEN BLOGS Listed Under the HONEST SCRAP on the SideBar.
- Tell those seven people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines and ask that they link back to you.
- Share "Ten Honest Things" about yourself.
In Keeping With My Terlingua Post and Header....Here's A Few More SCRAPS...

Several years ago, a group of Big Bend Quilters started the 'Boquillas Quilt Project'. We donated Fabric Yardage, Scraps, Treadle Sewing Machines, Basic Quilting Tools, and Teachers to the women of Boquillas, Mexico. Boquillas is a small village just across the Rio Grande from Terlingua, Texas. The only way there from the Texas border is to cross the Rio Grande in a hand paddled flat bottom boat. There is no electricity and primitive living conditions are the everyday way of life. Crossing the Rio Grande after heavy rains can be very exciting against a strong current and fast running water. The great Mexican food at the Boquillas Cafe is worth the trip, and the Quilting Project was even more rewarding.

The women of Boquillas pieced the Quilt Tops and returned them to Terlinqua to be sold at the Terlinqua Quilt Shop with all proceeds going to the Village of Boquillas. I purchased the Scrap Quilt Top pictured above at the Terlinqua Quilt Shop. It was Oralta Ureste's first quilt top to piece and was made on a Treadle Sewing Machine. I quilted it on my LongArm Quilting Machine, and it is one of my favorite quilts. Sadly, this project has become more difficult with the restrictions placed on importing and exporting anything between Texas and Mexico.
PS...When Life Gives You Scraps...Make A Quilt or Tex-Mex Goulosh.
Oh the scraps are wonderful, congratulations on your award, all the items you make are wonderful to look at. Have a wonderful day.
What lovely scrap creations, my friend ... & CONGRATS on your award, TY for sharing it with me. You are so sweet. May you have a warm wonderful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award.
Sue, you always amaze me with your talent.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award, and thank you so much for thinking of me.
Congratulations on your award! Thank you for thinking of us to pass the award onto. We are honored. I'm a scrapcollector too! I think as crafters we all see the value in scraps. When I go to the fabric store, I spend lots of time with my head stuck in the scrap basket! Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you and thank you for passing it on to me! Seriously, email me your address 'cause I have some scraps to send to you!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Leslie