
DRAT the STATS....#1 of 4 ToGoal of 200 in 2010

I'm NOT A Numbers Cruncher ~ Math IsNot My Best Subject!
No Problem...Blogger Takes the Drats Out of The Stats!

So, I'm Bloggin' right along in 2010...mindin' my own Bloggin'Business...not payin' much attention to Blogger's BloggerBuzzin'...
you know, that part of the Dashboard that you don't see until you scroll down.
  The part you don't have time for cause your busy Managin' your Blog or Blogs! 
The part that tells you about the CHANGES being made just when you got the LAST Changes figured out!
The part that offers so many different designs in your Template that you can't decide which one will be the
 WOW Factor for your blog until you've tried them all and then decide you want the OLD one back.
The part that ATE your OLD One!

Well, Ya'll, I can speak of these things with authority because...
Been There...Done That!!!

Now what I really pay attention to are the GADGETS.

Oh, Yeah!  I'm A GadgetGal!

So, when Blogger came out with 'PAGES' I zapped ALL TEN of them OnYa'll.  It was one of those OverDoSue Moments!

Then the PopularPosts and Stats Gadgets made their debut!  I resisted at first, but finally caved in and added ...

I must admit that of all the 'Off the Wall Posts' I've done since starting CollectInTexas Gal in August 2009,
 I am still 'Scratchin' MyHead' at how 'Collectin' Chicken Scratch' got to be #One!

If anything, I always thought this picture would send 'Yellow Kitchen Collection' straight to the TOP!
 Oh...BTW...HiHoney is not that Bald...yet...and I'm not that Gray...yet! 
Butt, after 45 years it's Stats are still worth a Pat!

PS...Whew!  Three ToGoal!!!!  I'll be Baaaaack....Real Soooooon!

I'm Baaaaack....Quick Huh?  Just remembered it's time for Jenny's Alphabe~Thursday, and it's a FreeForAll Post about Year's End or the New Year!  I think this Review of my STATS fits the Year's End.
Click HERE for
 More Year Endings and New Year Beginnings!
Thanks Jenny!


  1. Funny! Now I need to check out the stats and see if I can figure this out for my blog!

  2. Number cruncher! lol! I gave up that day job!!
    But I could use help with the internet blogging. They made so many changes I can't keep up!
    Good luck with making 200!!

  3. I try not to get too original because I usually screw something else up. I'm lucky and i can get the buttons in the right place though I'm a pretty technological when it comes to Windows but blogger scares me. Happy New Year.

  4. Sue, you have me giggling again! I'm going back to look at chicken scratch again. ~ Sarah

  5. Wow, I'm impressed that you got all this to show up! I have a problem just resizing a photo for my header.

    Happy New Year Sue!


  6. So much fun! I know what you mean about just figuring out new gadgets and features. I'm not much on change, so we pretty much ignore most of those. Now you have me wondering what we're missing!

  7. Thanks so much for stopping over and giving me such a kind comment! I look forward to reading your blog!

  8. Anonymous12/29/2010

    I love the picture at the sink. Stats are so confusing. I don't always understand why some posts due better than others.

  9. I guess I had better get with the program Sue, I don't have a clue!! HA, Char

  10. I am not very techno saavy I'm afraid, so it's good for my brain to attempt to figure this stuff out. I have been trying to figure out the stats on WordPress but not having much luck...


  11. Oh no.....something else to worry about...just when I thought blogging was worry-free.
    Thanks for the smile!

  12. You are so funny. I'm with ya though when it comes to the "improvements". Change isn't always good. La

  13. The stats thing looks good but it'll be no good for me! Australia fell off the map!

  14. Hello Sue, I just scrolled down to your posts I have missed. Now that I am all caught up again, the first thing I have to say is a belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. We were married in 1963. We are getting close to 50 years huh?

    Your stats posts cracked me up. I laughed lots at your blog stats and one thing stands out. Your posts are always a BIG treat to read. I'm sorry when I miss any but life is a bit crazy in our home sometimes. Let's face it, most of the time! HA! I have to add, I always love your photos even the weeds.

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year Sue, your lovely family included. I am happy to be your blogging friend. You are definitely mine.

    Warm hugs, Jeanne

  15. i also forget to look what's new and then I discover it when everybody has it already, lol !

  16. LOL, LOL! This was a funny post Sue! I have not added a single "page" to my blog but something I want to look into in the next year. I'm looking forward to getting caught up on everyone's blogs this weekend. Happy New Year, Nan

  17. Happy New Year to my namesake. Enjoyed your fun post!


  18. I have a stat counter. I usually check it once a week. It's a nice item to have.

  19. enjoy a lovely 2011 ahead.

    admirable job showing these graphs.

  20. I never look at those things cuz they make me confused and most days I am dizzy enough already!

    They look interesting...but I'm going to leave them to you less technology challenged bloggers!

    This was a great year end post, though.

    It made me smile!

    I wanted to thank you for joining in A-T. I really look forward to seeing you here!

    Happy New Year to you and your loved ones for a 2011 filled with great stats, fun, adventure and many joys, large and small.


  21. Hi! Blogger is giving me a f! I can't figure out how to get my pics up so I can post a bunch of posts I have waiting in a holding pattern! ARGH....


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