
The Artful KISS Challenge

What does it take to be an ArtFul Blogger? 
The recent excitement of Pink Saturday's feature in Artful Blogging had me running around like the proverbial Chick..en.  
It took thirty bucks...for Spring and Summer editions, a tank of gas and new Hastings BFF 'Rambo', to figure out what it 'DOES NOT' take to be an Artful Blogger...
That'd be SOOO MUCH STUFF!!!
So, Ya'll...with that in mind...this GRIT gets KISS..ed!
GRIT...Girl Raised In Texas ~~~ KISS...Keep It Simple Sue

So, let's see how I do.  Artful bloggers shoot amazingly Simple pictures of shoes and feet.  So, while on the 'STRESS? WHAT STRESS?  PTFT...PitcherTakinFieldTrip...I shot myself in the foot.

Artful Bloggers shoot Stunning Landscapes.
 I bet you are Stunned to see this shot of the South Concho River in Christoval, Texas.  I sure was.

Artful Bloggers ZoomZoomZoom.
 OMGreenBug, was I surprised to see you drinkin outta the Rio Concho with your Butterfly Buddy.

Artful Bloggers ZoomZoomZoom and SnapSnapSnap in Rapid Succession. 
 Who knew Butterflies could dance? 

Artful Bloggers shoot their Loved Ones in the most unexpected places.

It's been a challenge....KISSing.

PS...HiHoney says I definately qualify as an ArtFullOfIt Blogger.


  1. Gorgeous pictures...fun post as always...
    you changed it since yesterday...bad girl..lol
    I want to thank you so much for clueing me in on how to add my family and picture blogs in the side panel...Now..what are u using to get the frames for your pics...piknic? new blogger template??? you must be my mentor..you must.
    lol We have too many of the same interests...
    thanks again.

  2. Wonderful photos and I like the KISS...I try to remind myself of that. I can see you are having so much fun and That is what it is all about!!!

  3. Sue, Sue, Sue. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

    Oops! I love you in so many ways that I can't count that high.

    You are definitely an Artful Blogger of the best type.

  4. And ARTFUL You Are...wonderful and fun entry...thanks for sharing,...suddenly I feel artful.

  5. All wonderful, love it!

  6. Wow Sue all your pictures are gorgeous.

  7. You made me laugh in a very nice way!! Love the photos by the way :;))

  8. Sue, your photos are gorgeous! You truly capture the beauty ...

    Have a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~Marydon


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