
V is for Vacation

Hello Classmates and Teacher Mizz Matlock,

I realize I'm late with this 'What I Did Last Summer Report', but I had to wait for the Letter V for Vacation. 

Some of the things I really like about getting up in front of the class and giving a report these days Versus  giving a report in The Fifth Grade is...
  • my knobby knees aren't knocking.
  • I'm not twirling my pigtail.
  • I'm not standing on one SaddleOxford and then the other.
  • my brother isn't sitting on the back row sticking his tongue out at me.
  • no one is shooting paper wads at me.
  • I don't have to write a 3 page paper and worry about my Spellin'... I now have Spell Check!
  • I can draw and doodle all over my report.
  • I could ....if I wanted to....give my report as a SlideShow.
It's Good ToBe A Grown-Up with a PC, a NeatONikon, Wireless Connection and in a Virtual Classroom!

So without further 'AhDo' here's my Last Years Vacation Report in the form of Visual Views with VeryFew Vocals.
We went to the Lake...Camping and Fishing.

Only ONE of us caught a Fish!  This is as close as she would get to The Fish!

The waves weren't very big and the beach had lots of rocks....

....that were good for skipping....

....and showing off FEET and FOOTWEAR!

There was a beach.  It was Muddy not Sandy and had Sticks not Shells.

We left our Footprints in the Sand Mud.

Our BabyBoy and Sister walked in the water at sunset.

I can hardly wait for Summer This Year!
Linking To
Go There For More
 of The Letter V!


  1. A virtual vacation viewed through varietal photos. I find the beach very relaxing except I can't stay out in the sun for long (sunburn and sun venenation)
    I don't see any varec although your venator may be looking for some through his binoculars.
    You are versute in your verbal reports and your blog offerings. You are a knowledgeable viator and I enjoy reading about your travels.
    I hope all my v's are venial and you are volitient to forgive me. :)

  2. I loved your report on "What I did this Summer". Too cute. The mosaic had the best pictures in it too. Loved the legs out of the water with those bright Crocs on. Hope Jenny gives you and A even though you turned it in late...lol...

  3. I'll be you get an A+ from Miss Matlock! No wonder you can't wait for his year's holiday.

  4. Looking at your fun photos as the snowflakes fall outside make me envious for warmer weather!!!

  5. Looks like you had a good time! By the way, I'm a Texas gal too!

  6. It's sweet that you take the time to enjoy those you love. Isn't that what a vacation is all about. Take care.

  7. I'm curious as to where you went. It looks like a fun but unusual beach.

    Thanks for sharing.


    PS. I'm pretty late posting today, so here's my link:

  8. Anonymous3/10/2011

    This looks like a great place to vacation!

  9. That does look like a wonderful vacation...

    Gonna be hard to top it, but I'm sure you'll try!

  10. excellent! love your photos--and story, too! What fun!

  11. What a great report on your summer vacation! Looks like a lot of fun.

  12. I love to go the water, whether the ocean or lake for vacations. Looks like you had fun, even without a sandy beach! {:-Deb

  13. Wonderful vacation photos! I always want to be on the water when I take a vacation!!!

  14. We go on a camping vacation every year...just one...but it is on eof our favorites. I love the collage you made!
    Have a great weekend!

  15. It looks wonderful. And, it is just what I need - a vacation.

  16. Your post would have been amazing with just your description of reports given in elementary school. That really made me laugh but then you went on to share those vivid, gorgeous pictures with us.


    Your vacation looks magical. The whole thing...the photo with the beautiful girl looking fearful of the fish made me laugh so much. That would be great to send into a fishing magazine. Just a total classic.

    Thanks for linking this week.

    I haven't had a vacation in a few years so I really appreciate the few minuts I got to share vicariously in yours.


  17. love the ocean images very much...
    smiles, Glad to see the happy moments captured and shared.



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