Look Mama, SHE's doin' it AGAIN!
What's that SweetPee?
Usin' us Heifers on CollectInTexas Gal Blog Thingie!
Oh, PoopPatties, are you serious? Now what's SHE sayin'?
Surely SHE's not gonna go over that PooFuel thing again...that's so embarrisn'!
Now, the Barnyard Bash was kinda fun, and we had plenty of Chips for makin' CowChip Cookies!
Mama, are we BEEF?
Ya know, SweetPee, I do recall our TwoLegger Rancher comment somethin' about how my Rump would sure make a fine piece of Swingin' Beef and Tasty RumpRoast. I was pretty flattered and just started Swingin' my Butt a bit more and Swishin my Tail at the flies with a little more finesse.
Well, Mama, I think we might be in some real serious trouble this time. Whatda ya make of this.....
OMGosh, SweetPee, is that Mabel? Ya know that day SHE was here with that thingie SHE called NeatONikon and kept saying "Smile Heifers", and Mabel was posin' and actin all uppity like she was the only Heifer in the Herd....I knew in my Brisket somethin' was not right!
The word ranch is derived from Mexican-Spanish rancho, which denotes the home (headquarters) of the ranchero. Cattle ranching has been a major Texas industry for nearly three centuries. As early as the 1690s the Spaniards brought in stock with their entradas. Ranching as such dates from the 1730s, when herds were loosed along the San Antonio River to feed missionaries, soldiers, and civilians in the San Antonio and Goliad areas.
During the Civil War Texas furnished beef to the Confederacy. Cattle multiplied until they were estimated at eight per capita of the population. Unbranded cattle by the thousands roamed the range. At the end of the war, steaks and roasts were selling in eastern markets at twenty-five to thirty cents a pound, while a mature, fat Texas steer could be bought for six to ten dollars. The same steer was worth thirty or forty dollars at the end of the trail. Texas was cattle rich, but the way to market was through storms, across swollen rivers, and into hostile Indian country. In 1866 Texas trail herds began marching to Montana gold mines, New Mexico Indian reservations, and Kansas railheads. Within two decades more than five million head had been trailed to outside markets. In the late 1870s, after the Indian menace ended in Texas, the cattle industry leap-frogged to fresh pasturage in the Davis Mountains, the Big Bend, and on the plains of west Texas.
Today, Texas beef producers have adopted modern technology in their operations. They use electric branding irons and hire "helicopter cowboys" to round up and drive cattle to corrals. Ranchers employ computers to enhance management and to obtain information on prices and markets and Purebred producers are responding to consumer demands for leaner beef. The day of the longhorn and the sprawling Texas Ranches have been replaced by the rise of commercial feedlots, sophisticated slaughter and meat-packing industries, spreading use of computers, and an intensive search for export markets. On many ranches hunting leases have replaced cattle raising.
Mama what's a Hunting Lease?
I don't know for sure SweetPee, but I see those signs posted around our pasture that say
So maybe that means theres' NO BEEF Here!
Mama, what's Alphabe~Thursday?
I'm not sure, SweetPee, but CollectInTexas Gal says it has somethin' do with the Letter B and BEEF, so we will let HER Post a
sign by Jenny's Alphabe~Thursday sign.
I'm not sure, SweetPee, but CollectInTexas Gal says it has somethin' do with the Letter B and BEEF, so we will let HER Post a
sign by Jenny's Alphabe~Thursday sign.
Click on Jenny's Button for more about the
Letter B
PS...Read more about the History of Texas Cattle Ranching HERE.