
Scottie Hexies, Hoops and Loops

Along with the YoYo Fest and the Clean Out Binge I found a stash of Hexie Blocks.  I won't go into the number of Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilts I have made or try and count the hundreds of hexagons I have stamped, paper pieced, cut, put together, sorted and put away for....I don't what!  I guess for this 'Scotty Hoop and Loop' wall hanging. 
Here are a few shots of the 'Details' with vintage buttons.
And the FINISHED front and back! 
Done two weeks before September's First Saturday Booth Show! 
Now back to the YoYo's! 


  1. Your blog titles are always intriguing - I look forward to reading the post and saying "oh, there's a scottie, that's what that refers to." Lovely work and you are gathering goodies for September at a decent pace.

    1. Thanks for the correct spelling for a Scottie Dog....that would have helped with the title association. Sometimes my titles come out of nowhere. Yep, I'm on an OverDoSue Booth Roll.

  2. Sweet. Hexies are something I haven't tried yet and if I do it will probably 4" hexies. LOL I'm just not real good with handwork


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